Cold Email Template For Affiliate Marketing: 15 Best Template To Follow

Stuart Laurie
March 21, 2023

Cold email marketing can be an effective strategy for promoting affiliate products and generating commissions. However, crafting a compelling and effective cold email can be challenging. To help you get started, we've compiled a list of the 15 best cold email template for affiliate marketing.

These templates have been tried and tested by successful affiliate marketers and are designed to grab the recipient's attention, build trust, and drive conversions. Whether you're new to affiliate marketing or looking to improve your cold email strategy, these templates can provide a solid foundation for your outreach efforts. So, without further ado, let's dive into the top 15 cold email templates for affiliate marketing.

How Effective Is Affiliate Marketing With Email?

Affiliate marketing with email can be a highly effective strategy for promoting products and earning commissions. When done correctly, email marketing can be a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience and driving conversions. Here are some reasons why affiliate marketing with email can be effective:

Targeted Audience

With email marketing, you can target specific segments of your audience based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. This allows you to tailor your affiliate promotions to the interests and needs of your subscribers.


Email marketing allows you to personalize your messages with the recipient's name, location, and other relevant information. Personalization can help to build trust and increase engagement, which can lead to more conversions.


Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your audience. Unlike traditional advertising, you don't need to spend a lot of money to reach a large number of people.

Measurable Results

With email marketing, you can track the performance of your campaigns in real time. This allows you to see which emails are generating the most clicks and conversions, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

However, it's important to note that affiliate marketing with email can also have its challenges. For example, it's essential to comply with anti-spam laws, provide valuable content, and avoid being too promotional or pushy.


Why It is Important To Customize Cold Email Template For Affiliate Marketing?

Customizing cold emails is crucial for affiliate marketing. Here are some reasons why:

Tailoring Your Message to Your Target Audience

By customizing your cold email template for affiliate marketing, you can ensure that your message is personalized and relevant to your target audience. This can increase the chances of the recipient reading and considering your offer.

Showcasing Your Unique Value Proposition

Customizing your email templates also allows you to highlight the unique value proposition of your affiliate marketing business. You can showcase your strengths and explain how your business can benefit the recipient. This can help differentiate your email from the many other unsolicited emails that the recipient may receive.

Building Relationships with Potential Partners

Customizing your cold emails is essential in building relationships with potential partners. By taking the time to personalize your message, you demonstrate a genuine interest in working with them. As a result, you can establish trust and credibility, which are crucial elements in forming successful partnerships.

Increasing Your Chances of Success

Overall, customizing your cold emails can increase your chances of forming successful partnerships and boosting your revenue. By tailoring your message to your target audience, showcasing your unique value proposition, and building relationships with potential partners, you can create a more effective and personalized message that can lead to increased revenue and successful partnerships.

For affiliate marketers who rely on email marketing, SendFlock is the ideal platform to enhance the effectiveness of your cold email campaigns. Its personalized emails, efficient follow-up sequences, and integrated CRM and inbox can improve email communication and boost revenue. Streamline your cold email strategy with SendFlock for successful outreach.

15 Best Cold Email Templates For Affiliate Marketing

To assist you in your affiliate marketing endeavors, we offer some useful resources in the form of sample email templates. Specifically, we have created 15 different cold email templates that are tailored for affiliate marketing. Let’s start.

1. Introduction Email Template

An introduction email template is a type of email that is used to introduce yourself or your business to a new contact or prospect. It's an opportunity to make a good first impression and establish a connection with the recipient. The goal of an introduction email is to start a conversation and potentially build a relationship that can lead to future business opportunities.

Subject: Introduction - [Your Name]

Hi [First Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and my business to you. We are a [brief description of your business] that specializes in [describe your product or service].

Upon discovering your business, the [specific aspect that caught your attention] was impressive. Our businesses could potentially collaborate and benefit each other. Please let me know if you are interested in connecting further to discuss potential partnership opportunities and learn more about your business.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. Product Review Email Template

A product review email template is an email sent to customers or influencers asking for their honest feedback on a product. The goal of a product review email is to gather user-generated content that can be used to promote the product on the company's website, social media, or other marketing channels. It's important to keep the tone of the email polite and non-intrusive, while also being clear about the purpose of the email.

Subject: [Product Name] - Your Feedback Matters to Us

Hi [First Name],

We hope you are enjoying [Product Name]. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on the product to help us improve and provide better service to our customers.

If you have a moment, please leave a review of [Product Name] on our website or other review platforms. Your honest opinion can help us better understand how our product is being used and how we can make improvements to meet your needs.

As a thank you for your time, we would like to offer you [discount code/free gift/etc.] for your next purchase. Please let us know if you are interested in taking advantage of this offer.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Name]

3. Affiliate Invitation Email Template

An Affiliate Invitation Email Template is an email that is sent to potential affiliates to invite them to join a company's affiliate program. The email should explain the benefits of joining the program, including commission rates, product or service offerings, and any other perks available to affiliates. It's important to provide clear instructions on how to join the program and any requirements or qualifications necessary for participation.

Subject: Join our Affiliate Program

Hello [First Name],

We hope this email finds you well. We would like to invite you to join our affiliate program and become a partner in promoting our products/services. By joining our program, you will have access to [briefly describe any tools or resources available to affiliates] and earn [describe commission rates or other benefits].

To join our program, simply follow these instructions [provide instructions on how to sign up or apply]. Please note that we require [briefly mention any requirements or qualifications necessary for participation].

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Details]

4. Affiliate Partnership Email Template

A Partnership cold email template for affiliate marketing is an email that is sent to existing affiliates to build and strengthen the relationship between the company and the affiliate. The email should express gratitude for their partnership and highlight any recent successes or achievements. It's also an opportunity to discuss any new products or services and encourage the continued promotion of the company's offerings.

Subject: Thank You for Your Partnership 

Hi [First Name],

We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your partnership and the hard work you have put into promoting our products/services. Thanks to your efforts, we have seen [briefly mention recent successes or achievements].

As we continue to grow, we wanted to share with you some exciting news about [briefly mention any new products or services]. We hope that you will continue to promote our offerings to your audience and help us reach even more customers.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We value your input and are always looking for ways to improve our partnership.



5. Affiliate Program Announcement Email Template

This is an email that is sent to current or potential affiliates to announce the launch of a new affiliate program or to introduce any changes or updates to an existing program. It's important to clearly communicate the details of the program, including commission rates, product or service offerings, and any other benefits of participation. Transition words can be used to help convey the message in a clear and concise way. Here is a reference template showing a cold email template for affiliate marketing.

Subject: New Affiliate Program Launch

Hi [First Name],

We are excited to announce the launch of our new affiliate program. With this program, you can earn more while promoting our products/services to your audience. Here's how:

Firstly, we offer competitive commission rates. Secondly, we have a range of high-quality products/services that you can promote. Lastly, we provide you with all the necessary tools and resources to help you succeed.

To join our program, simply [provide instructions on how to sign up or apply]. We would love to have you as a partner in promoting our offerings and reaching more customers.

Kind regards,

[Your Signature]

6. Free Trial Offer Email Template

To promote their products or services and offer a free trial, businesses often use a pre-designed email known as a Free Trial Offer Email Template. The email usually includes a clear message explaining the benefits and a call to action to sign up for the free trial. By using this template, businesses aim to entice potential customers to try the product or service and eventually convert them into paying customers.

Subject: Try our product for free – no strings attached

Hey [First Name],

We wanted to reach out to you and offer you a free trial of our [product/service]. We think you'll love it, and we want you to try it out for yourself with no obligation.

[Explain the benefits of your product/service in a brief and compelling way.]

To take advantage of this offer, simply click the link below to sign up for your free trial. You'll have access to all the features and benefits of our product/service for [number of days] days, completely free of charge.

[Insert a call to action button or link to the sign-up page.]

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at [contact email/phone number]. We're always happy to help!


[Your Name]
[Company Information]

7. Limited-Time Offer Email Template

Subject A Limited-Time Offer Email Template is a marketing email that promotes a time-sensitive sale or promotion. It explains the details of the promotion, including the limited time frame, discount or special offer, and benefits. The email includes a clear call to action, leading the recipient to the sales or checkout page to complete their purchase.

Subject: Limited-Time Offer – Act Fast

Hello [First Name],

We're excited to offer you a limited-time promotion on [product/service]. For the next [number of days/weeks], you can [explain the offer in a brief and compelling way, including the benefits of taking advantage of the promotion].

To claim your discount or offer, simply click the link below to visit our sales page or checkout page. Hurry – this offer won't last long!

[Insert a call to action button or link to the sales page/checkout page.]



8. Product Comparison Email Template

A Product Comparison Email Template is a marketing email that showcases a business's product features and benefits while comparing them to their competitors' products. It highlights the advantages of the business's product over the competition and may include side-by-side comparisons or visual aids to help the recipient make an informed decision.

Subject: Why Our Product is the Best

Hi [First Name],

Are you in the market for a new [product]? We'd like to help you make an informed decision by comparing our product to our competitors. Here's why our [product] is the best choice:

[Include a clear and concise list of features and benefits of your product, highlighting any advantages over the competition.]

To learn more about our product and see how it compares to the competition, please visit our website [insert website link] or contact us at [insert contact information].


[Your Signature]

9. Content Promotion Email Template

A content promotion email is a marketing email that promotes a business's content to its email subscribers. It explains the value of the content and encourages the recipient to engage with it. It may include snippets of the content or a call to action that leads the recipient to the content on the business's website. Here is a cold email template for affiliate marketing representing content promotion.

Subject: [Title of Content] – Check it Out

Hey [First Name],

We're excited to share our latest [blog post/video/white paper] with you – [Title of Content]. This [type of content] is packed with valuable insights and actionable tips that can help you [the benefit of engaging with the content].

Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect from [Title of Content]:

[Include a brief summary of the content or a snippet that highlights the main points.]

To read/watch/download [Title of Content] in its entirety, please click the link below:

[Insert a call to action button or link to the content on the business's website.]


[Your Name]
[Company Details]

10. Influencer Collaboration Email

An Influencer Collaboration Email Template is an email business use to partner with influencers to promote their products or services. It explains the benefits of collaborating and the details of the agreement. It aims to persuade influencers to endorse their brand to their audience.

Subject: Collaboration Proposal

Hello [First Name],

We admire your work and think our [product/service] would be perfect for your [number of followers] followers. We'd love to partner with you to spread the word.

[Explain the details of the collaboration agreement briefly, including compensation, expectations, and timelines.]

If you're interested, please let us know, and we'll be happy to answer any questions.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Information]

11. Referral Program Email Template

A Referral Program Email Template is an email that businesses use to encourage customers to refer their friends to their products or services. The email explains the benefits of referring and how the program works.

Subject: Refer a Friend, Get Rewarded

Hi [First_Name],

Refer your friends to our [product/service] and earn rewards! Here's how it works:

[Explain the referral process, including how to share the referral link and how to redeem the rewards.]

[Encourage the customer to refer others and share the referral link on social media or via email.]

Thank you for being a loyal customer. We appreciate your support and hope you'll take advantage of our referral program. If you have any questions, please contact us.


[Your Signature]

12. Contest or Giveaway Email Template

A Contest or Giveaway Email Template is an email that businesses use to promote a contest or giveaway to their email subscribers. Here's a short and simple template:

Subject: Enter to Win [Prize] in Our Contest!

Hi [First Name],

Enter our contest for a chance to win [prize]! Don't wait too long - the contest ends on [deadline date].

To enter, simply [explain entry requirements, such as liking our social media page or submitting your email address].

Click the link below to learn more and enter the contest:

[Insert link or button]

Good luck!

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Name]

13. New Product Launch Email Template

A new product launch email is a marketing communication sent to customers and subscribers to announce the introduction of a new product or service. The email aims to create buzz and excitement around the product and generate interest and sales.

Subject: Introducing [New Product Name]

Hello [First Name],

We're thrilled to announce the launch of [New Product Name]. It's designed to [briefly describe the product and its key features/benefits].

To celebrate, we're offering a special introductory price for a limited time. Don't miss this opportunity to [briefly mention the benefits/value proposition again] with our new product. [Call to action] to order now.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to hearing your feedback on [New Product Name].

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Info]

14. Event Invitation Email Template

An event invitation email is sent to invite people to attend an event, such as a conference, meeting, webinar, or social gathering. The email should provide relevant information about the event, including the date, time, location, purpose, and benefits of attending. The email should also include a clear call to action, such as a link to RSVP or register for the event.

Subject: Invitation to [Event Name]

Hello [First Name],

Join us for [Event Name] on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. This event will be [briefly describe the purpose and benefits of attending].

To RSVP, [call to action, such as "click here to register" or "reply to this email with your attendance"].

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,


15. Follow-Up Cold Email Template for Affiliate Marketing

A follow-up email is a friendly reminder and keeps communication going after a meeting, call, or job application. Be polite, professional, and concise, and remind the recipient of any action items or next steps.

Subject: Following up on [Meeting/Call/Job Application] 

Hello [First Name],

I wanted to follow up on [the previous interaction, such as the meeting/call/job application] we had on [Date].

[If applicable, remind the recipient of any action items or next steps discussed.]

I wanted to check in and see if you had any further questions or needed any additional information from me. If so, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you again for [briefly mention the reason for the previous interaction and express appreciation for their time and attention]. I look forward to [briefly mention the future opportunity or benefit of staying in touch].


[Your Name]


When crafting a cold email template for affiliate marketing, it's important to maintain a professional and polite tone throughout your message. Take the time to carefully craft your email, expressing your genuine interest in the partnership and demonstrating that you have familiarized yourself with their work.

Additionally, include relevant details about your business that can help to make a strong case for yourself. Tool like SendFlock can be useful in optimizing your email for the best response rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Affiliate Email Marketing?

Affiliate email marketing is when an affiliate marketer promotes a product or service to their email subscribers through unique affiliate links. If a subscriber makes a purchase through the link, the affiliate earns a commission from the merchant. It's an effective way for affiliates to leverage their email list and build relationships with their audience while earning commissions.

Is MailChimp Good For Affiliate Marketing?

No, MailChimp does not allow affiliate marketing on its platform. Their terms of use strictly prohibit the promotion of affiliate products or services using their email marketing service.

MailChimp's terms of use state that users cannot "promote, support, or engage in any illegal, abusive, or unsolicited behavior or activities, including without limitation, spamming, phishing, fraud, distributing malware, or facilitating any violations of these Terms or any policies referenced herein."

Additionally, MailChimp reserves the right to suspend or terminate the account of any user found to be engaging in affiliate marketing or other prohibited activities.

If you're looking to do affiliate marketing, you may want to consider other email marketing platforms like SendFlock that allow it or alternative marketing strategies.
