Follow-Up Email Subject Lines: 17 Best Idea To Practice

Stuart Laurie
April 8, 2023

Are you struggling to get responses to your follow-up emails? Do you feel like your emails are getting lost in the sea of inboxes? Here are best follow-up email subject lines to help you out.

If so, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced business world, it's more important than ever to stay connected with clients, prospects, and colleagues. And while follow-up emails are a great way to do this, the subject line can make or break whether your email gets opened or not.

But don't worry, there's good news. With the right subject line, you can dramatically increase your email open rates, drive more responses, and achieve your goals faster. That's why we've compiled a list of 17 of the best follow-up email subject line ideas to help you stand out from the crowd, make a lasting impression, and get the results you want.

Whether you're looking to secure a job interview, follow up on a sales pitch, or simply touch base with a colleague, these subject lines are guaranteed to grab attention, pique interest, and inspire action. So, take your follow-up email game to the next level and start achieving your objectives with these AIDA-formatted subject line ideas today.

What Does Follow-Up Email Mean?

After a previous communication, you send a follow-up email to check in, ask for an update, or remind the recipient of a previous request. Typically, you send a follow-up email after a meeting, interview, or conversation where you expected an action item or response. They are a way to maintain communication and ensure that things are progressing as planned. Follow-up emails can also be used to express gratitude, express interest in a potential opportunity, or provide additional information that may have been overlooked in the initial communication. Overall, follow-up emails are an important tool for staying connected and keeping communication flowing.


Does a Subject Line Matter For a Follow-Up Email To Get Noticed?

A well-crafted subject line can grab the recipient's attention and determine whether they open or ignore your follow-up email. So, it's crucial to pay close attention to the subject line of your follow-up email. A short and to-the-point subject line that reflects your email's content can grab the recipient's attention and increase the chance of a response. A personalized subject line, including the recipient's name and urgent details, can also help your email stand out in a busy inbox. Lastly, a well-crafted subject line can set expectations for the email's content and increase the chance of a response.

What To Consider While Writing Follow-up Email Subject Lines?

To make your follow up email subject lines more attractive, you need to talk about what your prospect wants, what's bothering them, and what they hope for. Use words that create emotions and make your email sound like it's from a person, not a sales pitch.

Here are some best practices to consider while writing a follow-up subject line:

Be Clear And Concise

Your subject line should accurately reflect the content of your email in a clear and concise way. Avoid using vague or overly long subject lines that can be confusing or difficult to understand.

Personalize Subject Line

Address the recipient by name in your subject line to make it more personal and engaging. This can help to increase the likelihood of your email being opened and read.

Use Action-Oriented Language

Use action-oriented language in your subject line to create a sense of urgency and motivate the recipient to take action. For example, use words like "urgent," "important," or "time-sensitive" to convey a sense of urgency.

Avoid Spammy Or Clickbait Language

Avoid using spammy or clickbait language that can turn off the recipient or make your email seem unprofessional. Try not using all caps, exclamation points, or overly aggressive language.

Keep It Short And Sweet

Try to keep your subject line under 50 characters to ensure that it is fully visible in the recipient's inbox. This can help make it more easily scannable and increase the chances of opening it.

Test And Experiment

Try out different subject lines and see what works best for your audience. A/B testing can be a useful tool for determining which subject lines are most effective in getting your emails opened and read.

Are you looking for a way to improve your cold email marketing efforts? Meet SendFlock - the ultimate cold email automation tool. With its advanced features such as a unified inbox, follow-up sequences, workflow automation, and built-in CRM, SendFlock can streamline your outreach process and boost your chances of success. Try SendFlock today and see how it can revolutionize your cold email marketing campaigns!

17 Best Follow-Up Email Subject Lines

While crafting a follow-up email, remember to customize subject lines to your specific situation and audience, and to always maintain a professional and polite tone in your follow-up emails.

1. Last Chance To Take Advantage Of Our Limited-Time Offer

This subject line is used to create a sense of urgency and scarcity by letting the recipient know that they have one last chance to take advantage of a limited-time offer. It is an effective way to drive conversions and encourage recipients to act quickly.

Example subject lines:

  • Last chance to save on our products!
  • Don't miss out on our limited-time offer!
  • Time is running out - take advantage of our offer today!
  • Final hours to get our special deal!
  • Our offer expires tonight - act fast!

2. Your Thoughts On Our Proposal

When you're waiting for a response from a potential client or partner on a proposal, it can be helpful to follow up with an email that asks for their thoughts or feedback. Here are some examples of subject lines and email copy you could use:

Subject lines:

  • Your thoughts on our proposal?
  • Can we get your feedback on our proposal?
  • Following up on our proposal – what do you think?

3. In-Person Meeting

After an in-person meeting, use this subject line to follow up with a contact, continue the conversation, provide additional information, or request a follow-up meeting.

Example subject lines:

  • Great meeting you - here's what we discussed
  • Following up from our meeting earlier
  • Let's continue our conversation from [event name]
  • Thank you for your time - let's schedule a follow-up
  • [Event name] Follow-up: Let's talk more about your needs

4. A Friendly Reminder

This subject line is used to send a gentle reminder to a recipient who may have forgotten to complete an action or follow up with you. It is an effective way to stay top of mind and prompt action without being too pushy.

Example subject lines:

  • Just a friendly reminder about [action or event]
  • We haven't heard from you in a while - here's a reminder
  • Did you forget? Here's a friendly nudge.
  • A quick reminder about our upcoming meeting
  • Friendly reminder: your [task] is due soon.

5. A Connection Or Talking Point

This subject line is used to establish a connection with the recipient or find a common topic to discuss. It can help to personalize the email and make it more engaging for the recipient.

Example subject lines:

  • We share a common interest
  • Saw your post on [social media platform] and had to reach out
  • Let's connect over [shared interest]
  • I noticed we have [mutual connection] in common
  • [Shared interest] brought me to your profile - would love to chat!

6. Adding A Touch Of Urgency And Specificity

This subject line is used to create a sense of urgency and specificity around a particular matter or deadline, which encourages the recipient to take action. It works best when the matter is time-sensitive or deadline-driven, and requires immediate attention.

Example subject lines:

  • Just 24 hours left to claim your discount!
  • Don't miss out on our limited stock - act now!
  • Urgent: Our event is happening tomorrow!
  • Response needed ASAP - we're waiting for you.
  • Important update: Deadline for application extended.

7. Need Help Or Direction

This subject line is used to request help or direction from the recipient. It's a straightforward way to reach out to someone and ask for their expertise or guidance.

Example subject lines:

  • Can you help me with this project?
  • Looking for your advice on [topic]
  • Need your guidance on the next steps
  • Can you point me in the right direction?
  • Seeking your expertise on [subject]

8. After Getting Rejected

When you've been rejected, it's easy to feel discouraged and give up. However, following up with a polite email can help you to turn things around and possibly even change the recipient's mind. This subject line is used to follow up after being rejected, with the goal of opening up a conversation and finding a way to move forward.

Example subject lines:

  • I appreciate your feedback - can we discuss further?
  • Rejected, but not defeated - let's talk again!
  • Thank you for your response - can we explore other options?
  • Is there anything I can do to change your mind?
  • I respect your decision, but I'd love to stay in touch.

9. Following An Omni-Channel Approach

The sender uses this subject line to inform the recipient that they are following an omni-channel approach, which involves reaching out to them through multiple channels (such as email, phone, social media, etc.) to create a more personalized and effective communication experience. It can be a good way to capture the recipient's attention and showcase your dedication to building a relationship with them.

Example subject lines:

  • Connecting with you across multiple channels
  • A personalized approach to our communication
  • Meeting you where you are - omni-channel follow-up
  • Our conversation continues across different channels
  • Seamless communication with an omni-channel approach

10. After Not Getting A Reply

This subject line is used when you've previously sent an email but have not received a response. It can help to remind the recipient about the previous email and encourage them to respond.

Example subject lines:

  • Just wanted to follow up on my previous email
  • Did my email get lost in your inbox?
  • Checking in on my last message to you
  • Following up on my unanswered email
  • Is there something I can help with since I didn't hear back?

11. Sharing Relevant Data

When you have relevant data to share with the recipient, using this subject line can position you as a knowledgeable and helpful resource. Additionally, it can support your argument or position in a discussion or negotiation.

Example subject lines:

  • New study shows [insert relevant data]
  • The latest data on [topic]
  • You need to see this data
  • We conducted research and found [insert relevant data]
  • Here's the data you've been asking for

12. Email Following Up From A Call Or Meeting

This subject line is used when you want to follow up on a call or meeting you had with the recipient. It helps to remind them of your previous conversation and continue the relationship. It can also help to summarize the key points discussed and provide any additional information requested during the call or meeting.

Example subject lines:

  • Follow up on our recent call
  • Recap of our meeting and next steps
  • Thank you for meeting with me
  • Great talking with you - here's what we discussed
  • Quick follow-up after our call
  • Following up on our conversation - any updates?
  • It was great to meet you - let's keep in touch
  • Just wanted to touch base after our meeting

13. Last Effort Before You Give Up

This subject line is used when you have tried to reach out to someone several times without success and are about to give up. It is a last-ditch effort to get their attention and see if there is any chance of continuing the conversation.

Example subject lines:

  • One last try before I give up
  • Final attempt to connect with you
  • Can we connect before I close this opportunity?
  • Trying one more time to get in touch with you
  • Giving it one last shot - can we chat?

14. You’ve Followed Up Several Times With No Success

This subject line acknowledges that you have previously reached out to the recipient and have not received a response. It is an effective way to communicate that you are persistent and committed to making a connection. Additionally, it helps to avoid being perceived as pushy or aggressive by highlighting your attempts to follow up.

Example subject lines:

  • Follow up - Are you still interested?
  • Following up (again) - Let's connect!
  • Just wanted to check in - Have you had a chance to review?
  • Another follow-up - Any update on our previous conversation?
  • Can we chat soon?

15. Keeping In Touch

This subject line is used to stay top-of-mind with the recipient and maintain a relationship. It is an effective way to keep the conversation going and continue building trust and rapport over time.

Example subject lines:

  • Just wanted to check in and say hello!
  • Let's catch up soon!
  • Staying connected: how have you been?
  • It's been a while - let's reconnect!
  • Keeping in touch: updates from our team.

16. We're Still Interested In Working With You!

Use this subject line to reconnect with a prospect or lead who hasn't responded to previous emails. It shows your continued interest in working with them and prompts them to respond if they're still interested.

Example subject lines:

  • Just wanted to touch base - we're still interested!
  • Our offer still stands - let's work together!
  • Are you still interested in our services?
  • Checking in - we haven't forgotten about you!
  • Just a friendly reminder - we'd love to work with you!

17. Interested In Learning More About Our [Service/Product]

When you want to offer more information about your product or service to a recipient who has shown initial interest, use this subject line. It's a great way to educate them and nurture them into becoming a potential customer.

Example subject lines:

  • Learn more about our [product/service]
  • Discover how our [product/service] can benefit you
  • Want to know more about our [product/service]?
  • Explore the features of our [product/service]
  • See how our [product/service] can transform your business
  • Interested in [product/service]? Here's what you need to know.

Bottom Line

Cold email marketing can be tough and easy at the same time. All you need is now the tactics. Once you have sent your first email, you should keep sending follow-ups. Our article will help you write follow-up email subject lines that will surely catch your audience’s attention.

In addition to these best practices, it's important to have a reliable and user-friendly email platform to send your follow-up emails. I recommend signing up for SendFlock, which offers a variety of useful features such as customizable templates, tracking capabilities, and an easy-to-use interface.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Write Catchy Follow-Up Email Subject Lines?

To write catchy follow-up email subject lines, there are several tips you can keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that you make your subject line relevant and personalized to the recipient by including their name or referring to a previous conversation or interaction. Secondly, create a sense of urgency or curiosity in the subject line to encourage the recipient to open the email. Thirdly, keep the subject line short and to the point, avoiding any vague or generic phrases. Finally, test different subject lines to see which ones generate the best response and adjust your approach accordingly. Following these tips can increase the likelihood of opening and acting upon your follow-up emails.

How To Write a Great Subject Line For Follow-Up Email After Interview?

After an interview, it's important to follow up with a thank-you email that leaves a lasting impression on the hiring manager. The subject line of this email should be attention-grabbing, concise, and personalized. A great subject line should include the job title, the date of the interview, and a specific detail from the conversation. Using action-oriented language and showing enthusiasm for the opportunity can also make your subject line stand out. A well-crafted subject line can increase your chances of getting a response and potentially lead to a job offer.

What Should Be A Subject Line For Follow-Up Email After No Response?

The best subject line for a follow-up email after no response may vary depending on the context and purpose of the initial email. However, some effective subject line ideas include a gentle reminder, a question that prompts a response, a personalized follow-up, or offering new information. It's important to keep the subject line concise, clear and focused on the recipient's needs and interests. Using a polite and friendly tone can also help to increase the chances of a response. Ultimately, the goal of the subject line is to re-engage the recipient and encourage them to take action.
