Lead Generation Strategies For SaaS Startups: 30 Tips For 2023

Stuart Laurie
January 24, 2023

Lead generation strategies for SaaS startups are mandatory to grow your business. If you are a Startup company too and looking for lead generation strategies, this post is for you.

Nowadays, customers spend 57% of their time researching products before buying. So, it is not easy to sell products like before with fancy advertisements. If you can’t sell products or services, there is no meaning in generating leads. So, you need more than just advertisements.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the 30 best lead generation strategies for SaaS startups. These strategies will help you bring in more leads and help you increase your customer base. So, let's get started!

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is a way to find people interested in what a company has to offer turning them into customers. This can be done by creating content, attending events, or making sure the company is easy to find online. The goal is to make more sales and make the business grow.

Another great way to generate leads is through email marketing using SendFlock. It can help you create personalized email sequences and track leads using a built-in CRM.

Different Type Of Leads

There are mainly four types of leads.

Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

The prospects who showed genuine interest to purchase your product after using them are known as Product Qualified Leads, or PQL.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

Sales Qualified Leads, or SQLs are prospects who have demonstrated a genuine interest to become paying customers.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Marketing Qualified Leads or MQLs are prospects who have connected with your marketing team but are not sure whether to speak with a salesperson or not.

Service Qualified Lead

Service Qualified Leads are prospects who have expressed their intention to your service team for becoming paying customers.


30 Best Lead Generation Strategies for SaaS Startups

As a SaaS startup, you need proper lead generation. Otherwise, visitors come to your website and leave. To keep you on the right track for lead generation, we have broken down the 30 lead generation strategies. Let's start with number one -

1. Utilize S.M.A.R.T. Goals

S.M.A.R.T. stands for "specified, measurable, agreed, realistic, and time-bound". These qualities help a lead generating company set goals that are both clear and attainable.

  • Specific- What do you hope to accomplish?
  • Measurable- What specific metric will you use to determine whether your target has been attained?
  • Agreed- Do all of your interested parties concur?
  • Realistic- Do you possess the material, human, and technical means necessary to realize this objective?
  • Time-bound- When should you actually accomplish this objective?

2. Build An Email List For Target Audience

Making an email list is simple. Put sign-up forms on every page of your website. Make different forms for different types of visitors, like for blog readers or people who sign up for webinars. This way you can send specific messages to different groups of people. Plus, you can use the email list to keep in touch with people. You can send them updates about new products, deals, and company news. You can also use surveys and feedback forms in your emails to know what people want.

3. Distinct Buyer Persona

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on market research and data about your existing customers. Creating a buyer persona can help you understand your target audience, their needs, and how to effectively market to them. A distinct buyer persona would be a specific, well-defined version of a buyer persona that represents a specific segment of your target market. For example, you may have a distinct buyer persona for young professionals, another for retirees, and another for small business owners. By creating distinct buyer personas, you can tailor your marketing efforts to more effectively. Thus reaching and resonating with each specific target market segment.

4. Build Your Journey Based On Perspective

Building your journey based on perspective means taking into account your unique point of view and experiences when planning and pursuing your goals. It involves understanding and acknowledging your strengths, weaknesses, values, and priorities, and using them to guide the direction of your journey. By taking a perspective-based approach, you can create a journey that is authentic and meaningful to you, rather than one that is influenced by external expectations or societal pressures. This can lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in the long-term.

5. Research Keyword According

To generate leads for your SaaS startup, research the right keywords right away. Understand what your customers are searching for to solve their problems, otherwise it will be hard to connect with them and convert them into leads. Consider both short and long-tail keywords that apply to your product or service. Short-tail keywords are more general terms with high search volume and competition, while long-tail keywords are more specific and have lower competition. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to search for volume and competition data to narrow down your list of keywords that are most likely to bring in leads.

6. Set Your Pricing

When setting the price for your SaaS product, there are a few different pricing models you should consider. Each model offers its own unique benefits. When deciding the best pricing model for your SaaS company, make sure to consider both customer needs and your own goals. As a result, think carefully about which one makes the most sense for your business.

7. Provide Trials And Free Plans

Free plans and trial periods are important for new software companies. They let people try the software before they decide to buy it. It's important to explain the differences between the free and paid versions. Set limits on things like number of users or storage. This way, people can try the software without spending any money. It also helps build trust with customers.

8. Insert Paid Features In Free Plans

Offering a free plan can help businesses get new customers and leads. When customers like the free version, they may upgrade to a paid plan. The free plan should have good features that encourage people to upgrade. This can be extra storage space or better customer support. It's important to be clear about what is included in the free plan and provide good customer support. This way, customers will understand the product and be more likely to upgrade.

9. Create A Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content, such as an e-book, webinar, or PDF, that is offered to potential customers in exchange for their contact information, such as an email address. The goal of a lead magnet is to attract and convert website visitors into leads by providing them with something of value in exchange for their contact information. This helps to build a relationship with potential customers and nurture them through the sales funnel. A lead magnet can be a powerful tool for any business looking to grow their customer base and increase their online visibility.

10. Capture Leads Through Your Website

Capturing leads through your website is an essential part of any successful online marketing strategy. This also includes lead generation strategies for SaaS startups. By creating forms, landing pages, and other interactive elements, you can encourage website visitors to provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content, such as ebooks, whitepapers, or product demos. Once you have a visitor's contact information, you can use it to nurture the relationship through email marketing, retargeting, and other tactics. Additionally, by analyzing the data you collect from leads, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience's needs and preferences, which can inform future marketing campaigns. To maximize lead capture on your website, it is important to make the process as seamless and user-friendly as possible.

11. Minimize Website’s Loading Time

Minimizing a website's loading time is an important aspect of website optimization. This can be achieved by using techniques such as reducing the number of HTTP requests, compressing images and resources, and using a content delivery network (CDN). Additionally, using a caching plugin or server-side caching can also help to speed up the loading time of a website. By reducing the loading time of a website, the user experience is improved and search engine rankings can be increased.

12. Optimize Conversions

Optimizing conversions is a lead generation strategy that focuses on increasing the rate at which website visitors take a desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. This can be achieved through a variety of tactics, such as A/B testing different calls-to-action, simplifying the user experience, and leveraging social proof. By continually testing and refining different elements of the website, businesses can improve the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts and drive more conversions.

13. Optimize Web Pages

Optimizing web pages refers to the process of making changes to the design and content of a website in order to improve its performance and user experience. This can include things like reducing page load times, improving the website's navigation and layout, and making sure the website is mobile-friendly. Additionally, optimizing for search engines, such as Google, by including keywords and meta tags can also be important for increasing visibility and driving more traffic to the site. Overall, optimizing web pages can help to ensure that a website is easily accessible and user-friendly for both visitors and search engines.

14. Ensure A Mobile-Friendly Design

A mobile-friendly design is essential for ensuring a positive user experience on mobile devices. This includes using a responsive design that automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of the device being used, and ensuring that all elements of the website, including text, images, and buttons, are easily readable and accessible on a small screen. Additionally, it's important to optimize website speed as page loading time is critical factor in user engagement. Furthermore, keeping the navigation simple and easy to use is also important as it can be more difficult to navigate on a small screen. Overall, a mobile-friendly design improves the user experience and can increase the likelihood of conversions and engagement on your website.

15. Promote Your Products In Various Ways

There are many ways to promote your products and generate leads for your business. One effective strategy is to use a combination of online and offline marketing techniques. Online methods such as social media advertising, email marketing, and content marketing can reach a large audience quickly and at a relatively low cost. Offline methods such as trade shows, events, and print advertising can also be effective in reaching potential customers. Additionally, offering promotions, discounts, and free trials can be a great way to encourage potential customers to try your products and generate leads. By utilizing a variety of methods and constantly testing and refining your approach, you can effectively promote your products and generate leads for your business.

16. Write Quality Blogs

Writing quality blogs is one of the best lead generation strategies for SaaS startups. It can effectively attract and engage potential customers. By creating valuable and informative content on your website, you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and establish trust with your audience. This can lead to increased website traffic and conversions as visitors are more likely to become leads when they feel they can trust and rely on your business. Additionally, by including calls to action and forms for capturing contact information in your blog posts, you can directly generate leads from the content. It's important to remember to regularly update your blog with fresh and relevant content to keep your audience engaged and attract new visitors.

83% of marketers, quality content should always take precedence over quantity. (Source: HubSpot)

17. Write On Other Platforms Aside From Your Website

Writing on other platforms can be a great way to generate leads. Post on popular blogs and sites related to your niche, write guest posts for websites that accept them. Research the websites, produce high-quality content, select the right sites with high domain authority. Include a link back to your website in every article, this will help in search engines indexing your content more efficiently. This will also drive traffic back to your website, where you can capture leads through forms.

18. Nurture The Leads

Nurture the leads" is a lead generation strategy that focuses on building relationships with potential customers through targeted communication and education. The goal is to keep potential customers engaged with your brand and products/services, so that when they are ready to make a purchase, they will think of you first. This can be done through a variety of tactics such as email marketing campaigns, drip marketing, and content marketing. By providing valuable information, answering questions, and addressing concerns, you can establish trust and credibility with potential customers, making them more likely to convert into paying customers in the future.

19. Make The Best Use Of Chatbots

Chatbots can be an effective lead generation strategy by providing quick and personalized responses to potential customers. They can be integrated into a company's website or social media platforms, allowing them to interact with a large number of individuals in real-time. Chatbots can assist with tasks such as answering frequently asked questions, providing product or service information, and even collecting contact information for potential leads. Additionally, using natural language processing, chatbots can engage in conversations with customers, providing a more human-like experience and increasing the chances of converting a lead into a customer.

20. Host Webinars

Lead generation strategies for SaaS startups also holds hosting webinars. This strategy can be an effective for businesses of all sizes. By providing valuable information or insights on a specific topic, businesses can establish themselves as leaders in their industry and attract potential customers. Additionally, webinars allow for real-time engagement and Q&A sessions with attendees, providing an opportunity for businesses to build relationships and gather valuable information about their audience. Furthermore, webinars can be recorded and repurposed as marketing materials, allowing businesses to reach a wider audience. Overall, hosting webinars can be a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to generate leads and increase brand awareness.

21. Outreach To Influencers

Influencer marketing is a good way for SaaS startups to get leads. Influencers are people with a lot of followers in their niche. They can make many people want to buy or try a product or service when they talk about it. To do influencer marketing, you need to find influencers who have followers that would be interested in your product or service. You can do this by looking at their social media profiles and seeing who follows them. After you find influencers, you can ask them to promote your product or service in exchange for something they want. This way, you can show your product or service to many potential customers and get more leads for your SaaS startup.

66% of consumers said that major influence was the main factor in deciding on a service provider. (Source: Genius.com)

22. Monitor KPIs For Your Lead Generation Strategy

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help measure how well your plan to get new customers (lead generation) is working. By keeping an eye on things like how much it costs to get one customer, how many new customers you are getting, and how often new customers turn into paying customers, you can make sure your plan is working well and make changes if needed. Two important KPIs to track are the cost per lead and number of leads generated. If the cost is too high or the number of leads is too low, you may need to adjust your plan.

23. Insert CTAs In Your Emails

A good way for SaaS startups to get more leads is to put "call to action" (CTA) buttons in their emails. CTAs are buttons or links that tell the reader to do something, like visit the website or sign up for the service. This helps to get more people interested in the product. When adding CTAs, use simple words and make them stand out. Also, make sure to provide a link that leads to more information about the product. Research shows that people get an average of 34 business-related emails a day, so using a CTA can help to stand out and increase leads.

24. Distribute Valuable Content On Social Media

Social media is a good way as lead generation strategies for SaaS startups to get new customers. It helps them talk to the people they want to sell to and make friends with them. To get the most out of social media, it is important to give helpful information to the people who follow your company. This can be tips, videos, articles or examples of how your product helped other companies. When people see that you have helpful information, they will think good things about your company. This can help you get more business. Also, when you share helpful information, people may share it with their friends. This can help you get even more new customers.

The top 72% of North American marketers track the ROI of their content marketing efforts. (Source: eMarketer)

25. Prove Your Result Through Testimonials

It's important for SaaS companies to get feedback from customers. This can be done through surveys or by asking them directly. You can also show customer reviews on your website. When using these reviews to get new customers, it's important to show how your service has helped other people achieve their goals. Use screenshots or videos. Make sure the reviews are not too old. Testimonials show that your service is good and make it easier for people to trust you. They are proof that your service works. People trust other customers' opinions more than what your company says.

26. Use Google Adwords

Google AdWords is a powerful tool for lead generation. With AdWords, you can create targeted campaigns that reach potential customers at the exact moment they are searching for products or services like yours. By setting up ad groups, targeting specific keywords, and creating compelling ad copy, you can drive targeted traffic to your website and convert that traffic into leads. Additionally, you can use AdWords remarketing to reach people who have previously visited your website and remind them of your business. With the right strategy and targeting, AdWords can be an effective way to generate leads for your business.

27. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC advertising, like Google AdWords, is a way to get your business in front of people looking for what you offer. You pay for each click on your ad, so it's important to make sure your ad is good and relevant. You can track how well your ads are doing, and make changes to make them better. The goal is to get people who will become customers to click on your ad.

28. Conduct Split Testing

One of the Lead generation strategies for SaaS startups is Split testing. Also known as A/B testing, is a way to improve lead generation by testing different versions of a website page. It helps to compare which version works better. You can use it to test different headlines, layouts, and call-to-action on a landing page to see which one generates more leads. You can also use it to test two versions of an email subject line to see which one gets opened more. By using split testing, you can improve your marketing strategies and make sure they are working well.

29. Partner With Other SaaS Companies

Working with other software companies can be a good way to get more leads. By joining forces with another company, you can reach new customers and increase your chances of success. You can share leads or offer discounts or special deals to each other's customers. This can also help you build trust and credibility in your industry. For example, if you work with a well-known software company, their customers may be more likely to trust your products because they already trust their partner.

30. Create A Community Of Your Own

Creating a community, like a forum or private group, can help connect you with people interested in your product or service. By offering valuable content, engaging regularly, and letting people interact, you can build strong relationships with customers and generate leads. Building a community can also increase customer loyalty and create lasting connections with prospects.

Final Thought

In conclusion, there are a variety of lead generation strategies for SaaS startups to use in 2023 to attract and convert potential customers. Some popular methods include content marketing, social media advertising, search engine optimization, email marketing using SendFlock, and partnerships with other companies.

Additionally, utilizing newer technologies such as chatbots, video marketing, and virtual events can provide an edge in the competitive SaaS market. Building a community and offering a free trial can also be an effective way to generate leads. It's important to find the right mix of strategies that work for your specific business and target audience and to continuously test and optimize your efforts to achieve the best results.
