17 Techniques Of Lead Generation For Small Businesses: A Must Know in 2023

Maria Jones
January 12, 2023

Following lead generation for small businesses can be troubling and full of hassle. If you are looking for solutions and techniques then this article is for you.

Lead generation refers to the process of identifying and cultivating potential customers for a business. Small businesses can use various techniques such as creating valuable content, leveraging social media, utilizing referral programs etc which help to increase sales and revenue growth.

What is a Lead and Lead Generation?

Leads are the prospects who have expressed an interest in what a company has to offer, whether it be a product or service. In a business context, the act of finding and attracting these leads is referred to as lead generation. It is the process of identifying, targeting and engaging individuals or organizations that have the potential to become customers.

This could be done through a variety of means, such as producing educational content, networking at industry events, or utilizing SEO to improve a business's online visibility. The ultimate aim of lead generation is to convert these prospects into paying customers, fueling business growth and revenue.

Different Type Of Leads

There are various types of leads based on interest, enrichment, and qualification. You must be knowledgeable about different lead types and their qualities.

Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

The prospects who showed genuine interest by taking certain actions to purchase your product after using them are known as Product Qualified Leads, or PQL. A PQL is a free version user who requests a premium membership.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

Sales Qualified Leads, or SQLs are prospects who have demonstrated a genuine interest to become paying customers. A SQL is someone who fills out a form to reach you about knowing your business or product.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Marketing Qualified Leads or MQLs are prospects who have connected with your marketing team but are not sure if they are ready to speak with a salesperson. For example, an MQL can be a contact who responds to a proposal's landing page form.

Service Qualified Lead

Service Qualified Leads are prospects who have expressed their intention to your service team for becoming paying customers. You can consider a consumer who wishes to upgrade his product license as a Service Qualified Lead.

Different Type Of Leads

Basic Tools For Lead Generation

You may identify leads and reach them with the use of lead-generation tools. Each one of these tools can be unique based on your objectives. It can be hard to find the right lead gen tools for a wide variety of selections.

Promotional Tools

An excellent technique to create leads and market your business is by using promotional tools. You may use these techniques to encourage more visitors to your website.

Communication Tools

By interacting with website visitors using specialized messengers, you may create leads. You may communicate with your leads using these technologies from a single location.

Sales Automation Tools

CRMs, sometimes known as all-in-one sales and marketing systems, incorporate several elements required for effective lead creation. Additionally, there can be several included services for qualifying and managing leads.

Email Finder Tools

You may use an email finder tool to discover your clients’ email addresses. On top of that, it can automate the lead-scoring procedure.

Email Outreach Tools

One of your finest strategies for generating leads is still email marketing. This may be accomplished by using an email automation tool such as SendFlock. It can help you generate personalized email follow-up sequences with built-in CRM.

17 Techniques Of Lead Generation For Small Businesses

Without further ado, we will break down the top 17 techniques for lead generation that you should know when you are running a small business.

1. Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers and generate leads for small business owners. With over 3 billion active users on social media platforms, there is an enormous potential for businesses to find their target audience. There are a few strategies that can be used to generate leads using social media:

  • Developing relationships with potential customers through engaging content
  • Creating giveaways and contests to drive engagement and capture user information
  • Leveraging influencers to reach a larger audience
  • Utilizing paid ads targeting specific audiences
  • Developing relationships with influencers in your industry

2. Write A Blog

Blogging is a lead-generation technique for small businesses that consist on creating fresh content regularly. Thus establishing themselves as an authority in their industry and reaching potential customers. The focus should be on topics that are relevant to the business and target audience and the post should be informative, engaging and easy to read. Additionally, post should be optimized with keywords related to the business.

3. Publish eBook

Creating an eBook is an effective lead-generation method for small business. It establishes credibility, demonstrates expertise, and allows for connection with potential clients through free downloads in exchange for contact details. The ebook can be promoted on social media and other online channels. Select a topic that resonates with target audience, ensure it contains valuable information and make it visually appealing for better engagement. Use it as lead magnet on website to capture customer data.

4. Develop An Email List

The email list can be a primary source of lead generation for a business, allowing for quick communication of promotions, offers, and updates to potential customers. To grow an email list, offer something in exchange for contact information, such as a free ebook, discount code or exclusive content and promote it through social media, websites or events.

5. Email Marketing

After creating an effective email list, email marketing can generate more leads for small businesses. This way, you can reach out to them in a more personal way and present your products or services. Building relationships with prospects can ultimately lead to conversions. The focus should be on creating compelling content for the email, including a call-to-action, to increase brand awareness and generate leads.

6. Use Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a powerful and cost-effective tool to help you reach more potential customers. With Google AdWords, you can create customized campaigns targeting specific audiences. All you need to do is setup with information and pay for ads and run monthly.

7. Use Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be an effective lead-generation technique for small businesses. With a range of targeting options it allows targeting the right customers. Campaigns such as "Lead Ad" collecting user contact information through a form, or "Offer" Ad to encourage users to take advantage of a promotion or discount can be set up. Setting and optimizing Facebook Ads requires some knowledge, hence it is important to familiarize with the platform before starting.

8. Attend Trade Shows

Trade shows are an effective lead-generation technique for small businesses, they provide opportunities to meet potential customers, showcase products and services, and find qualified leads. Preparation is important, have marketing materials ready, design an attractive and inviting booth, have business cards on hand, and make sure to follow up with contacts made during the show. In addition, trade shows provide opportunities for networking and gathering knowledge on industry trends through keynote speakers.

9. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an essential tool for small business lead-generation through professional networking. Create a company page to increase brand awareness, join groups related to the industry, and engage with relevant professionals and businesses. Reach out to possible leads directly. Utilize LinkedIn's paid advertising options to target specific audiences and generate leads, build relationships with people interested in your products or services.

10. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective lead-generation method for small businesses as it can quickly generate leads by placing ads that show up almost immediately, the cost is only when someone clicks on the ad. When setting up a PPC campaign, it's important to choose relevant keywords, set a budget for each keyword, and create compelling ads with a call-to-action. By monitoring the results and fine-tuning the campaign, leads can be generated and the customer base can be grown.

11. Use Content Marketing

Content marketing is an effective lead generation technique for small businesses, as it allows to establish themselves as experts in their industry, build trust with potential customers, and provide valuable information that encourages people to take action. For example, by creating informative and relevant content such as a blog post or video for a flower shop on how to arrange flowers or make bouquets, it can attract more leads and drive traffic to website or social media. Additionally, content that addresses frequently asked questions or common challenges within the industry can establish trust, and increase chances of a conversion.

12. Try Radio Advertising

Radio advertising can be a cost-effective way for small businesses to generate leads by reaching a large audience through a targeted approach by the type of radio station listened to. Crafting a clear, concise and direct message that highlights the unique benefit of the business or product. It's a low-cost option worth considering for lead generation.

13. Partner With Other Businesses

Partnering with other businesses can be a unique lead-generation strategy for small businesses. By forming partnerships with businesses that complement their own, it allows for cross-promotion and increase of brand awareness and customer base. For example, a website design service provider partnering with a marketing agency to offer a package deal can benefit both parties by increasing reach and sales. Another way is offering referral bonuses, such as discounts or free items, to encourage customers to refer others, it helps in generating leads.

14. Sponsor An Event

Sponsoring events can be an effective way for small businesses to generate leads by showcasing products, building relationships with potential customers, and increasing brand visibility. Carefully select events related to target market, align with company’s values and mission, follow-up after the event through emails or texts to turn leads into clients.

15. Get Involved With Local Events

Getting involved in local events is an effective way for small businesses to generate leads by increasing visibility, building a trustworthy brand and creating opportunities to network and market oneself. Opportunities to speak or present a business, hosting workshops, seminars, or other events in the industry that provide valuable information to attendees is a great way to promote the business and gain exposure to potential customers.

16. Speak At Events

Public speaking can be a strong lead-generation technique for small business owners looking to generate leads by showcasing expertise and demonstrating why potential customers should choose their business. The process begins with researching events in the area that are relevant to the industry, providing a detailed outline of the topics to be covered, including case studies, examples, and stories to illustrate points. After the presentation, take advantage of the opportunity to network with other attendees, exchanging contact information and following up with any questions to build relationships with potential customers.

17. Host A Webinar

A webinar is a virtual meeting that provides valuable information to attendees while collecting leads. To have an audience, it is important to promote the webinar in advance by choosing a topic relevant to the target audience. Provide valuable content, engage attendees, ask questions, provide an incentive for attendees to leave contact information in the end, follow-up with attendees, thank them for attending, ask for their feedback, and encourage them to share their experience with others.


The secret to expanding any business is lead generation. Try using the above methods of lead generation for small businesses. Once you are done with lead generation, the next step is email marketing. And if you want your emails to jump off the spam folder and reach prospects’ inboxes, SendFlock is your tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Methods Of Lead Generation Are The Quickest?

Facebook Ads (or Facebook marketing), tailored email marketing, high-value content, referral relationships, and exclusive discounts or freebies are the 5 certain strategies to acquire leads rapidly for your organization.

What Are The 4 L's In Lead Generation Plan?

The four L’s, which include lead capture, landing pages, lead magnets, and lead scoring; can be a good place to start if you are attempting to integrate several lead generation strategies into one grand plan.

What Is A KPI For Lead Generation?

A KPI is a measurement that will improve the lead generation initiatives played by your marketing and sales team. It may maximize lead quality, lead value, lead conversion rate, customer lifetime value, and total monthly recurring income. It can also bring more qualified leads.

How To Generate Leads In Sales?

There are many ways to generate leads in sales, some of which include:

- Networking: Meet people and attend events related to your industry and make connections with potential customers.
- Content Marketing: Create valuable content (like blog posts, videos, ebooks) to attract potential customers and position your business as an expert in your industry.
- Paid Advertising: Use online platforms to place ads that specifically target potential customers.
- SEO: Optimize your website and online content to improve your search engine rankings and be found more easily by potential customers.
- Referral Marketing: Ask existing customers to refer new business to you.
- Webinars/Workshops: Offer helpful or informative events that provide value to attendees, can be done virtually, a lead magnet.
- Cold emailing or Cold Calling: Contacting potential customers via email or phone, if it is legal in your area.
- Social Media: Building relationships and trust with potential customers through social media platforms.

What Is Inbound Lead Generation?

Inbound lead generation is a method of attracting potential customers to your business by creating and promoting valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and e-books, that are relevant and helpful to them. It involves drawing people to your website or other online presence through search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and other tactics and then capturing their contact information through calls-to-action and forms. It is a more subtle and natural approach to lead generation, which focuses on building relationships with potential customers by providing helpful information and positive experiences.
