Cold Email Template For Sales: 13 Best Templates For Success

Stuart Laurie
March 20, 2023

If you're looking to expand your customer base and generate more sales, cold emailing can be an incredibly effective strategy. However, crafting a cold email that grabs the recipient's attention and inspires action can be a challenging task. That's where the power of cold email template for sales comes in. In this article, we'll introduce you to 13 of the best cold email templates for sales.

Do you know, only 23.9% of sales emails are opened?

Why Use Cold Email Template for Sales?

By utilizing cold email templates in your sales outreach, you can streamline your efforts, improve the quality of your messaging, and maintain consistency across your team. With the right templates in place, you can save time, increase productivity, and ultimately generate more leads and close more deals. The benefits of using a cold email template for sales are given below:

Efficiency: Using pre-written templates saves time and increases productivity.

Structure: Templates provide a structure for your outreach, ensuring that all necessary points are covered.

Quality: Templates are pre-written and tested, meaning that the language and phrasing used are proven to be effective.

Consistency: By using the same templates across your sales team, you can ensure that your messaging is aligned and on-brand.

Personalization: Templates can be customized to fit the needs of each prospect, while still maintaining a consistent structure.

A/B Testing: Using templates makes it easier to conduct A/B testing and optimize your outreach efforts.

Scalability: Templates can be easily adapted to fit the needs of different campaigns, allowing you to scale your outreach efforts quickly and efficiently.

As a salesperson, it's crucial to use the right tools to make your cold emailing efforts more effective. This is where SendFlock, a cold email automation tool, comes in. With its unified inbox, follow-up sequences, workflow automation, and built-in CRM, SendFlock is the perfect sales machine to help you streamline your outreach efforts and increase your chances of success. By utilizing SendFlock, you can save time and effort on manual outreach while still maintaining a personalized touch that is essential for successful cold emailing.

Tips for Using Cold Email Template For Sales Effectively

When using a cold email template for sales, it's important to first research and personalizes the email to the recipient. Be sure to clearly state the purpose of the email and how it relates to their website or business. Lastly, include a clear call to action and follow up appropriately to increase your chances of a positive response.

Here are some tips for using cold email templates effectively:

  • While templates are a great starting point, it's important to customize them for each individual prospect. This can include personalizing the greeting, addressing specific pain points, and highlighting how your product or service can help them solve a problem.
  • Cold emails should be concise and easy to read. Make sure your templates are no longer than a few short paragraphs and focus on the key benefits of your product or service.
  • Every cold email should have a clear call-to-action (CTA), whether it's asking for a meeting or a phone call. Make sure your CTA is clear and easy to understand and avoid using multiple CTAs in the same email.
  • Cold email templates are not one-size-fits-all, and what works for one prospect may not work for another. Continuously test and iterate your templates, making small tweaks and adjustments to improve your response rates over time.
  • Just because a prospect doesn't respond to your initial email, it doesn't mean they're not interested. Follow up with a second email a few days later, reminding them of the benefits of your product or service and asking if they have any questions.

13 Best Cold Email Template For Sales

1. Personalized Template

The personalized introduction template is a cold email template that focuses on making a connection with the prospect through personalization. Personalization can include referencing a recent event, a shared connection, or something unique to the prospect or their company. By personalizing the introduction, you can create a sense of familiarity and trust that can increase the likelihood of a response.

Subject: [Prospect's name], a quick question about [shared interest]

Hi [First Name],

I've noticed on your website that your company is involved in [shared interest], which is something I'm also passionate about. I recently read an article on [related topic] and it got me thinking about how [prospect's company] could benefit from [your product/service].

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and if there's any opportunity for us to explore this further. Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss?

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to discussing this with you.

[Company Details]

2. Pain Point Agitator

The pain point agitator template is a cold email template that addresses a specific pain point or challenge that the prospect may be facing. The goal is to create a sense of urgency and convince the prospect that your product or service can provide a solution to their problem. This type of template requires research and an understanding of the prospect's needs and pain points.

Subject: Struggling with [specific pain point]?

Hi [First Name],

I was browsing through your website and noticed that [specific pain point] seems to be a challenge for your business. It's a common problem that many businesses in [industry/vertical] face, and I wanted to reach out and see if I could help.

Our company has helped businesses like yours overcome [specific pain point] through our [product/service]. We've been able to help our clients [specific benefit or result] and I believe we could do the same for you.

Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss how we can help you overcome this challenge? I'd love to learn more about your business and see if there's a good fit.

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

3. Social Proof

This cold email template for sales uses social proof to establish credibility and increase trust with the prospect. Social proof can include testimonials, case studies, and other forms of evidence that show how your product or service has helped other businesses or individuals. By providing social proof, you can help the prospect feel more confident in your solution and more likely to respond to your email.

Subject: [Prospect's name], how [company name] achieved [specific result]

Hi [First Name],

I came across your website and was impressed by [something positive you noticed about their business]. I wanted to share a success story with you from one of our clients, [company name], that I believe could be of interest.

[Company name] was facing a similar challenge to what you mentioned on your website, and they were able to overcome it with our [product/service]. After implementing our solution, they achieved [specific result/benefit] which resulted in [specific outcome such as increased revenue, productivity, or efficiency].

We've helped many businesses like yours achieve similar results, and I believe we can do the same for you. Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss this further?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Company Details]

4. Value Proposition

This cold email template clearly communicates the unique value that your product or service can offer to the prospect. It should be focused on how your solution can solve a specific problem or pain point that the prospect is facing. By communicating a clear and compelling value proposition, you can capture the prospect's attention and increase the likelihood of a response. You can take a look at the following cold email template for sales as value proposition.

Subject: [Prospect's name], [specific benefit] with [product/service]

Hi [First Name],

Our [product/service] is designed to help businesses like yours achieve [specific benefit] that can significantly impact your success. We've helped many businesses in [industry/vertical] overcome [specific challenge/pain point] and achieve [specific benefit/result].

Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss how we can help you achieve [specific benefit] for your business?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5. Benefit-focused

The benefit-focused template highlights how your solution can help the prospect achieve their specific business goals, rather than focusing on the features or details of your product or service. By showing the prospect how your solution can help them achieve their desired outcomes, you can increase their interest and motivate them to take action.

Subject: Achieve [specific benefit] with [product/service]

Hi [First Name],

I came across your business and noticed that [specific business goal] is important to you. Our [product/service] can help you achieve this goal by providing you with [specific benefit] that can significantly impact your business.

Our solution is specifically designed to help businesses in [industry/vertical] achieve their desired outcomes. We've helped many businesses like yours achieve [specific benefit/result] and we believe we can do the same for you.

Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss how our solution can help you achieve [specific benefit] for your business?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Info]

6. Scarcity-driven

The scarcity-driven template creates a sense of urgency and scarcity by highlighting a limited-time offer or availability of your product or service. By emphasizing the limited nature of your offering, you can motivate the prospect to take action and respond to your email quickly. Take a look at the cold email template for sales for scarcity-driven.

Subject: Last chance to take advantage of [limited time offer/availability]

Hi [First Name],

I wanted to reach out to let you know that we're offering a limited time discount on our [product/service] that could be a game-changer for your business. This offer is only available for the next [limited time period], so I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out.

Our solution is specifically designed to help businesses in [industry/vertical] achieve [specific benefit/result]. We've helped many businesses like yours achieve [specific benefit/result] and we believe we can do the same for you.

Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss how our solution can help you achieve [specific benefit] for your business before this offer expires?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

7. Case Study Template

The case study template is a cold email that showcases how your product or service has helped a similar business or client in the past. By providing real-world examples and results, you can establish credibility and build trust with the prospect.

Subject: How [Client Name] achieved [specific result] with our [product/service]

Hi [First Name],

I wanted to share a success story with you that I think might interest you. We recently worked with [Client Name], a business similar to yours, and helped them achieve [specific result or benefit] with our [product/service].

In a nutshell, our solution helped [Client Name] overcome [specific challenge] and achieve [specific benefit/result].

Here are some of the key results we achieved:
[#1 Client Result]
[#2 Client Result]
[#3 Client Result]

I think our solution could be a great fit for your business as well. Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss how we can help you achieve similar results?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Company Details]

8. Success Story

Success story template is similar to the case study template. But instead of focusing on a specific client or business, it tells a story about how your product or service has helped someone in a similar position. The goal is to create an emotional connection and demonstrate how your solution can help solve their problems. Check out this cold email template for sales as an example.

Subject: From struggling with [specific challenge] to [specific benefit]: How [Name] found success with our [product/service]

Hi [First Name],

I wanted to share a story with you that I think you might relate to. We recently worked with [Name], who was struggling with [specific challenge] just like you. With our [product/service], [Name] was able to achieve [specific benefit] and transform their business.

Here's how we were able to help:
[#1 Your Step]
[#2 Your Step]
[#3 Your Step]

As a result, [Name] was able to achieve [specific benefit/result], which has had a significant impact on their business. I believe our solution could help you achieve similar results, and I would love to discuss this further with you.

Would you be open to a quick call next week to learn more about your business and see if there's a good fit?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

9. Competitor Comparison

The competitor comparison template is a type of cold email that highlights the benefits of your product or service over that of a competitor. The goal is to create a sense of urgency and demonstrate why your solution is superior to the prospect's current option.

Subject: How [Your Product/Service] Outperforms [Competitor's Product/Service]

Hi [First Name],

I wanted to reach out to you today because I noticed that your business is currently using [Competitor's Product/Service]. While they offer some great features, I wanted to share with you how our [Your Product/Service] can take your business to the next level.

Here's how we outperform our competitors:
[#1 Feature/Benefit]
[#2 Feature/Benefit]
[#3 Feature/Benefit]

Our solution has helped businesses like yours achieve [Specific Result/Benefit], and we believe it could do the same for you. Would you be open to a quick call next week to discuss this further?

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

10. Cold Email Template For Meeting

In sales, a cold email aims to initiate a conversation with a potential client and create business opportunities. It involves sending a message to someone without prior relationships with your company. Typically, this email requests a meeting to introduce your product or service and explore solutions to their problems or needs. To entice the recipient to agree to a meeting, the email must be personalized, concise, and offer specific value propositions.

Subject: Request for Meeting: [Company Name] and [Your Company Name]

Hello [Name],

My name is [Name], and I'm a sales representative at [Your Company Name]. I saw your work, and I'm impressed with the work you're doing in the [Industry/Field] sector.

I'd love to discuss how [Your Company] can help [Company Name] grow and improve [specific area of interest]. I believe that we can provide [specific benefit] to your company and help you achieve your business objectives.

I'm available [Date and Time options] for a brief phone call to introduce myself and discuss further how we can work together. Please let me know if any of these dates and times work for you, and I'll send a calendar invite.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,
[Company Name]
[Contact Information]

11. Cold Email Template B2b

The sender of a cold email sends an unsolicited email to a business prospect with the intention of starting a conversation or establishing a relationship. B2B cold emails are particularly effective in generating leads, building relationships, and ultimately driving sales for businesses. Here is a template for a B2B cold email:

Subject: [Insert attention-grabbing subject line here]

Hello [First Name],

My name is [Insert your name] and I am the [Insert your position] at [Insert your company name]. I came across your company and was impressed by [Insert specific reason why you're reaching out to them]. I believe that our services [Insert what you offer] could be a great fit for your business.

[Insert brief explanation of your company and what you offer]. We have worked with companies like [Insert names of similar companies you've worked with] and have helped them achieve [Insert positive outcomes].

I would love the opportunity to discuss how we could potentially work together to benefit your business. Would you be available for a quick call [Insert specific date and time] to chat further?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name & Contact Information]

12. Follow-up

A follow-up template is an essential tool for salespeople who want to stay top-of-mind with prospects and clients. Typically, you would send this type of email after making initial contact, as a reminder or prompt for the recipient to take action. You can use the follow-up email to continue the conversation, provide additional information or resources, or simply check-in and ask if the recipient has any questions.

Subject: Following up on [specific topic]

Hi [Prospect's name],

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to follow up on our previous conversation about [specific topic]. Have you had a chance to review the information I sent over? Do you have any questions or concerns that I can address?

I also wanted to let you know that [additional information or resource]. I think this could be really helpful in addressing some of the challenges you mentioned.

Please let me know if you'd like to schedule a call to discuss further. I'm available [days and times].

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Sign]

13. Re-engagement template

The re-engagement template is used to reconnect with prospects or clients who have gone silent or have not responded to previous outreach attempts. It's a gentle reminder that you are still interested in working with them and that you value their business. The email can include a call-to-action that encourages the recipient to take action or to let you know if they are no longer interested.

Subject: Are you still interested in [product/service]?

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. It's been a while since we last spoke, and I wanted to touch base and see if you are still interested in [product/service].

We've made some exciting updates since we last spoke, including [specific update]. I think this could be really valuable for your business, and I would love to have the opportunity to discuss how we can help you achieve [specific goal].

If you're no longer interested, please let me know so that I can stop following up. But if you are, I would love to schedule a call with you to discuss this further.

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Details]

Final Thoughts

Using a well-crafted cold email can be an effective way to generate sales leads and build relationships with potential customers. The 13 cold email templates we've discussed in this article can serve as a starting point for your own outreach efforts. Remember to tailor your message to your target audience, keep your emails short and to the point, and personalize them as much as possible.

To help you out with the manual tasking, SendFlock can be used. SendFlock is an email automation platform that simplifies the process of cold emailing for sales. It allows you to send personalized emails to a large number of recipients at once. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features such as A/B testing and email tracking, SendFlock can be a valuable asset to any sales team looking to streamline their outreach efforts and increase their chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Strategy to write cold emails that get responses?

Writing cold emails that get responses can be a challenging task, but with the right strategy, it is possible to increase your success rate. The first step in writing effective cold emails is to understand your target audience and their needs. Personalizing your emails to address their specific pain points and challenges can increase the likelihood of a response.

Another important factor is to keep your emails concise and clear. People receive numerous emails daily, and they are more likely to respond to those that are easy to read and understand.

Additionally, including a clear and compelling call to action can motivate your recipient to take the desired action. Lastly, follow-up is key. If you don't get a response, it's important to follow up with a polite reminder to increase the chances of a response. By following these strategies, you can write cold emails that are more likely to get a response and achieve your desired outcomes.

How do you write a software sales email?

To write a successful software sales email, consider the following tips:

1. Conduct research on the recipient and their company to personalize your email and show that you understand their specific challenges and pain points.

2. Use a conversational and friendly tone in your email to create a more human connection with the recipient.

3. Share a compelling story or case study that highlights how your software has helped similar businesses or organizations overcome their challenges and achieve their goals.
4. Use visual aids such as screenshots or videos to showcase the features and benefits of your software in an engaging and memorable way.

5. Humor or a creative hook to grab the recipient's attention and make your email stand out from the dozens or hundreds of other sales emails they receive every day.

6. Use a personalized video message to introduce yourself and your software, which can be a more engaging and memorable way to make a first impression.

Is it effective to write a cold email template for partnership businesses?

Using a cold email template for partnership businesses can be an effective strategy as long as it is well-crafted and personalized. A well-crafted email template can save you time and effort while also ensuring a consistent approach to outreach. Personalization is key to increasing the effectiveness of your email template. Tailoring your message to address the recipient's specific needs and interests can make your email stand out and increase the likelihood of a response.

Additionally, including a clear call-to-action and making it easy for the recipient to respond can help to move the conversation forward and establish a successful partnership.

However, it's important to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and to always aim for personalized and authentic outreach.

what should be considered to write a personalized cold email?

When writing a personalized cold email, there are several important factors to consider to increase the effectiveness of your outreach:

1. Research your recipient: Before crafting your email, take the time to research your recipient and their business or organization. Look for information such as their job title, interests, recent accomplishments, and pain points. This information can help you personalize your email and show that you understand their specific needs and challenges.

2. Use a conversational tone: Use a friendly and conversational tone in your email to establish a personal connection with the recipient. Avoid using overly formal language or jargon, as this can create a barrier between you and the recipient.

3. Show value: Highlight how your product or service can specifically help the recipient achieve their goals or solve their challenges. This can be done by referencing their specific pain points or challenges and explaining how your product or service can provide a solution.

4. Be concise: Keep your email short and to the point. People receive numerous emails every day, and a long email may discourage them from reading your message. Get to the point quickly and avoid unnecessary details.

5. Include a clear call to action: End your email with a clear and compelling call to action. Make it easy for the recipient to take the desired action, such as scheduling a call or signing up for a demo.
