Cold Email Template For Recruiters: Top 17 Templates

Stuart Laurie
March 11, 2023

As a recruiter, are you struggling to find the right job candidates for your organization? If yes and want to proceed with cold emailing, then this article is for you. This article represents 17 cold email template for recruiters.

If you want to consider using cold email outreach as a way to connect with potential candidates who might not have applied for a position directly. However, crafting the perfect cold email can be a challenge. It requires striking the right balance between professional, personalized, and persuasive.

To help you out, we have compiled a list of 17 cold email template for recruiters. These templates cover a range of scenarios, from reaching out to passive candidates to following up after an interview. By using these templates as a guide, you can save time and effort while increasing your chances of getting a positive response from potential candidates.

Why is Cold Emailing Essential For Recruiters?

Cold emailing is essential for recruiters for several reasons. These reasons define, why cold emailing is a better option.

  • Cold emailing can help recruiters reach potential job candidates who may not have applied for a position directly.
  • It provides a targeted way to find candidates who have the specific skills and experience needed for a particular role.
  • It can be especially useful for reaching passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new job opportunities, but who may be open to a conversation about a potential role that aligns with their career goals.
  • Cold emailing is often more cost-effective than other recruiting methods, such as job postings and advertisements.
  • An efficient way to find the best talent for an organization at a relatively low cost
  • It provides an opportunity for recruiters to showcase the organization's culture, values, and mission, which can help to attract top talent.

As a recruiter, you can maximize the effectiveness of your cold emailing efforts by leveraging the right tools such as SendFlock - a powerful cold email automation tool. This tool is designed to help you streamline your outreach process by providing features such as a unified inbox, follow-up sequences, workflow automation, and built-in CRM. With SendFlock, you can turn your cold emailing campaigns into a highly effective sales machine, enabling you to reach more potential candidates and increase your chances of success.

How To Craft an Effective Cold Email Template For Recruiters?

Cold emailing is essential for recruiters, but crafting an effective email can be a challenge. Here are some key elements to keep in mind when creating a cold email recruiter template:

Personalization - Tailor your email to each candidate and include specific details about their skills and experiences to make a lasting impression.

Clear and concise messaging - Keep your email short and to the point, highlighting the most important information about the job and why the candidate would be a good fit.

Attention-grabbing subject line - Use a subject line that will capture the candidate's attention and entice them to open the email.

Call-to-action - End the email with a clear call-to-action, such as encouraging the candidate to apply for the job or scheduling an interview.

cold email template for recruiters

17 Best Cold Email Template For Recruiters

The 17 best cold email template for recruiters are a valuable resource for recruiters looking to improve their outreach efforts. By using these templates as a guide, recruiters can save time and effort while increasing their chances of getting a positive response from potential candidates.

1. Personalized Introduction

A personalized introduction email is sent to a candidate to introduce oneself and the company, and express interest in the candidate's skills and qualifications. The email should be friendly, professional, and tailored to the candidate's interests and goals.

Subject: [Company Name] Job Opportunity - [Job Title]

Hi [Candidate Name],

I came across your profile on [platform/website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill/experience]. As a recruiter for [Company Name], I am reaching out to see if you might be interested in a new opportunity.

We currently have an opening for a [Job Title] role and I believe your skills and experience make you a strong candidate. I would love to learn more about your experience in [specific skill/experience] and how it could be applied to this position.

If you're interested in learning more about the role, I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss it in more detail. Alternatively, if you know someone who might be a good fit for this position, I would greatly appreciate a referral.

Best regards,

[Phone Number]

2. Mutual Connection

Mentioning mutual connection provides a brief introduction of the recruiter and the company and expresses interest in the candidate's qualifications and experience. With friendly, professional, and tailored tone to the specific recipient and their interests and goals.

Subject: Introduction from [Mutual Connection]

Hi [Candidate Name],

My name is [Your First Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. I was recently speaking with [Mutual Connection's Name] and they recommended that I reach out to you.

[Mutual Connection's Name] spoke very highly of your work in [specific skill/experience] and thought you might be interested in a new opportunity. We currently have an opening for a [Job Title] role, and I believe your skills and experience would make you an excellent candidate.

I would love to learn more about your experience and how it could be applied to this position. If you're interested in learning more about the role, I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss it in more detail.

Kind regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Company info]

3. Social Proof

The social proof email is a message that a recruiter can send to a candidate to showcase the company's credibility and positive reputation. This type of email typically includes testimonials, positive reviews, statistics, or awards. It can be an effective way to build trust with potential candidates and encourage, them to apply for job openings.

Subject: [Company Name] Job Opportunity - [Job Title]

Hello [Candidate Name],

My name is [Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. I noticed your profile on [platform/website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill/experience].

At [Company Name], we take great pride in attracting top talent, and we are currently searching for a [Job Title] with [specific skill/experience] to join our team. Our employees rave about our culture and the opportunities for growth within the company.

In fact, [Employee Name], who shares your background in [specific skill/experience], recently joined our team and has found great success in the role. They have shared their positive experience with the company and recommended that I reach out to you.

I would love to learn more about your experience in [specific skill/experience] and how it could be applied to this position. If you're interested in learning more about the role, I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss it in more detail.

Best regards,
[Your Signature]

4. Value Proposition

A recruiter sends the value proposition email template to highlight the benefits of a job opportunity, such as the company's culture, mission, or growth opportunities, to a candidate. The recruiter tailors the email to the candidate's interests and goals to make it persuasive and enthusiastic. It can be an effective way to attract high-quality candidates.

Subject: [Company Name] Job Opportunity - [Job Title]

Hello [Candidate Name],

I am a recruiter at [Company Name] and came across your profile on [platform/website]. We are currently seeking a [Job Title] with [specific skill/experience] and I believe you have the potential to excel in this role.

At [Company Name], we value our employees and offer a comprehensive benefits package, including [specific benefits]. We also prioritize work-life balance and offer [specific perks].

In addition, our company is committed to [specific mission/cause], and our employees have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world through their work with us.

If you're interested in learning more about the role and the value proposition of working at [Company Name], I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss it in more detail.

Kind regards,

[Company Name]

5. Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

This email template can be an effective way to capture the attention of potential candidates and increase the likelihood of a response. The email itself should be relevant to the subject line and include a clear call to action, such as scheduling an interview or providing additional information about the job opportunity. Tailor the tone of your email to the specific recipient and their interests and qualifications, ensuring it is both professional and engaging.

Subject: [Company Name] Wants You!

Hi [Candidate Name],

I am a recruiter at [Company Name] and we have been impressed by your experience in [specific skill/experience]. We have a [Job Title] position available that we think would be a great fit for your skills and experience.

Our company is growing rapidly, and we're looking for top talent to join our team. If you're interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, I would be happy to schedule a call with you to discuss the details.


[Your Full Name]

6. Request For a Resume or Portfolio

Recruiters use the "Request for a resume or portfolio" email template to ask potential job candidates to provide their resume or portfolio for further review. This template is typically short and to the point, with a clear call to action.

Subject: Request for Your Resume or Portfolio

Hi [Candidate Name],

Thank you for expressing interest in our open [job position]. After reviewing your application, I would like to request your resume or portfolio for further consideration.

If you have not yet submitted your resume or portfolio, please attach them to this email. If you have already submitted them, please disregard this message.

Please ensure that your resume or portfolio includes your work history, qualifications, and any relevant achievements. This information will help us to determine if you would be a good fit for the role.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Best regards,


7. Straightforward Ask

The straightforward ask email template enables you to customize a pre-written message and send it to a candidate or employee to request specific action or information. This template facilitates the recruitment or work process and helps communicate expectations effectively. Tailor the email's tone to the recipient's situation and keep it professional and respectful.

Subject: [Company Name] Job Opportunity - [Job Title]

Hi [Candidate Name],

My name is [Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. We have a [Job Title] position available that we think would be a great fit for your skills and experience.

I wanted to reach out directly and ask if you would be interested in learning more about this opportunity. If so, please let me know and I would be happy to schedule a call to discuss it further.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

8. Offering Help

You can customize and send this pre-written message to a candidate or employee to offer assistance with any questions or concerns they may have. The tone of the email should be welcoming and approachable, and it should demonstrate the recruiter's commitment to providing support and guidance.

Subject: Offer to Help with [Specific Skill or Experience]

Hello [Candidate Name],

I came across your profile on [platform or website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or experience]. As a recruiter at [Company Name], I wanted to reach out and offer my assistance in any way that I can.

If you're currently looking for new opportunities, I would be happy to discuss any positions we have available that might be a good fit for you. Even if you're not currently looking, I'm always happy to offer any advice or assistance that I can to help you advance in your career.


[Your First Name]

9. Job Promotion

When an employee is promoted within a company, it is customary to send them a job promotion email. The email typically congratulates the employee and acknowledges their hard work and dedication. Furthermore, it describes their new role and responsibilities to help them prepare for their new position. To make the email more meaningful, it is personalized and genuine, expressing appreciation for the employee's contributions to the company.

Subject: [Company Name] Job Promotion - [Job Title]

Hey [Candidate Name],

My name is [Your First Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. We're excited to announce that we have a new job promotion available for the position of [Job Title], and I wanted to reach out to you directly to see if you might be interested.

We believe that you would be a great fit for this new position based on your experience and skills, and we'd love to discuss the opportunity with you further. If you're interested, please let me know and we can schedule a call to discuss the details.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Company Details]

10. Compliment

The complement is positive feedback or praise given to a candidate during the recruitment process. It can be a genuine appreciation of the candidate's skills, experience, or achievements, and it is a way to establish a positive rapport with them. A compliment can also help to build the candidate's confidence and motivation, and it may increase their likelihood of accepting a job offer.

Subject: Impressed by Your Skills and Experience

Hi [Candidate Name],

I recently came across your profile on [platform or website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or experience]. As a recruiter at [Company Name], I wanted to reach out and compliment you on your achievements.

We're always on the lookout for talented professionals like you, and I wanted to see if you might be interested in exploring any career opportunities with us. If so, please let me know and I would be happy to discuss any positions we have available that might be a good fit for you.

Best regards,

[Your Sign]

11. Follow-up

After a job interview or initial contact, the recruiter sends a follow-up message to the candidate. The message typically expresses continued interest in the job opportunity and thanks the recruiter for their time. The email should have a polite and professional tone, and can include any additional information or qualifications that were not mentioned during the interview.

Subject: Follow-up on Our Previous Conversation

Hi [Candidate Name],

I wanted to follow up with you regarding our previous conversation about [specific opportunity or job opening] at [Company Name]. Hope that you've had a chance to consider the opportunity further.

If you're interested in learning more or have any questions, please let me know and I would be happy to provide additional information. We're excited about the possibility of working with someone with your skills and experience, and we believe that this position would be a great fit for you.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

12. The Question

Recruiters can effectively initiate a conversation with potential candidates by using an email template. Specifically, they can customize and send this template to inquire about a job opportunity or ask for career advice. The template usually includes an introduction of the sender, a brief statement of purpose, and a question or request for information. When using this template, it is important to maintain a polite and professional tone in the email. It is essential to tailor the message to their specific company and the recipient to create a more personalized approach.

Subject: Quick Question about Your Experience

Hi [Candidate Name],

My name is [Your First Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. I came across your profile on [platform or website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or experience].

I have a quick question for you regarding your experience in [specific skill or experience]. [Insert your question here]. I'm always looking for talented professionals like you to join our team, and I wanted to see if you might be interested in exploring any career opportunities with us.

If so, please let me know and I would be happy to discuss any positions we have available that might be a good fit for you.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]

13. The Referral Request

The recruiter sends a referral request email template to ask the candidate for a referral in their professional or personal network. It typically includes a brief introduction of the sender, a request for the referral, and any necessary information or context.

Subject: Referral Request - [Company Name]

Hello [Referrer Name],

I am a recruiter at [Company Name], and I am reaching out to you today because I am searching for talented professionals like yourself to join our team.

I was hoping that you might know of someone who would be a great fit for one of our open positions. If you know of anyone with experience in [specific skill or experience], please feel free to pass along my contact information and have them reach out to me directly.

Best regards,

[Your Signature]

14. Invitation

The recruiter invites the candidate to attend an event or activity, providing details such as date, time, and location. The invitation can be tailored to suit the occasion and the relationship between the recruiter and candidate, making it a useful time-saving tool. The recruiter ensures that all necessary information is included in the invitation.

Subject: Invitation to Connect with [Company Name]

Hello [Candidate Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. I came across your profile on [platform or website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or experience].

I wanted to extend an invitation for you to connect with us at [Company Name]. We are always looking for talented professionals like you to join our team, and we believe that there may be some exciting career opportunities available for you.

If you're interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I would be happy to discuss any positions we have available that might be a good fit for you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Company Details]

15. Inside Scoop

Recruiters can gain valuable insights into the industry by obtaining the inside scoop through various methods. Firstly, they can leverage personal connections, gain insider access, or simply be in the right place at the right time. This type of information is privileged or confidential and pertains to specific situations or events that are not publicly available. The term "inside scoop" is used to describe exclusive or behind-the-scenes knowledge that gives recruiters an edge in the industry.

Subject: Inside Scoop on [Company Name] Opportunities

Hello [Candidate Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a recruiter at [Company Name]. I came across your profile on [platform or website] and was impressed by your experience in [specific skill or experience].

I wanted to reach out and give you the inside scoop on some exciting opportunities we have available at [Company Name]. We're looking for talented professionals like you to join our team, and we believe that you might be a great fit for some of our open positions.

I would love to discuss these opportunities with you in more detail and answer any questions you may have. Please let me know if you're interested in learning more, and we can schedule a call or meeting at your convenience.

Best regards,


16. The Sneaky Question

The sneaky question is to get a desired response without asking for it directly. It involves framing a seemingly innocent question that serves a specific purpose. It can be an effective strategy in negotiations with the client organization.

Subject: Great Opportunity with [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate's Name],

I came across your profile on [platform name] and was impressed with your experience in [relevant skill/industry]. I believe you may be a great fit for a position at [Company Name] that I am currently hiring for.

Before I share more details about the role, I have a quick question for you. If you could work for any company, where would you want to work and why?

I know this may seem like a sneaky question, but it helps me understand your priorities and preferences to ensure we are a good match.

If you're interested, please let me know, and we can schedule a call to discuss the role and answer any questions you may have.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

17. Compliance With Email Regulations

Recruiters use the "Compliance with Email Regulations" email template to ensure that their email campaigns comply with relevant laws and regulations. Typically, recruiters utilize this template to inform candidates that they receive the email because they expressed interest in job opportunities or provided their contact information.

Subject: Compliance with Email Regulations

Hi [Candidate Name],

I am writing to you because you have expressed interest in job opportunities or have provided us with your contact information. We want to make sure that you are aware of our compliance with email regulations, and that you have the right to unsubscribe from our email campaigns at any time.

As a responsible and ethical recruitment agency, we take data protection and privacy laws seriously. Our email campaigns are designed to keep you informed about new job openings, industry news, and other relevant information.

If you no longer wish to receive our email campaigns, you can easily unsubscribe by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this email. We respect your privacy and will not share your information with third parties.

Best regards,

[Your Official Signature]

Final Thought

Cold emailing is an essential tool for recruiters to reach out to potential candidates and build relationships. Discussed 17 cold email template for recruiters is a great help to recruiters both for hiring and relationship with contestants Whether it's using social proof, personalization, or attention-grabbing subject lines, each template can be customized to suit the recruiter's needs and the candidate's interests.

If you're seeking an all-inclusive solution for your cold emailing needs, be sure to check out SendFlock. This powerful tool offers a range of features to help streamline your email campaigns and increase your chances of connecting with top candidates. So if you're ready to take your recruiting efforts to the next level, sign up for SendFlock today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Find Out Recruitment Email Address?

There are several ways to find recruitment email addresses:

Company website: Check the company's website for a careers or jobs page. Usually, the website will provide an email address or a contact form for job inquiries.

LinkedIn: Search for the company on LinkedIn and look for the human resources or talent acquisition team. You can then send a message or an email to the team's contact information provided.

Job search engines: Use job search engines like Indeed or Glassdoor to find job postings for the company. Many job postings will include an email address for inquiries.

Networking: Ask friends or acquaintances who work at the company if they can provide you with an email address for the recruitment team.

Google search: Do a Google search for the company's recruitment email address or try searching for specific job titles, such as "Recruiter at [Company Name]".

How To Email Recruitment Agency From a Company?

When you email recruiting agency from a company, it is better to make a more professional than friendly approach. You can folow the below steps for it.

Step 1: Start with a professional greeting such as "Dear [Agency Name] Team". This shows that you are addressing the agency as a whole and not just one individual.

Step 2: Provide a brief introduction of yourself and your company. This can include a description of the company's mission, values, and the position you are looking to fill.

Step 3: Clearly outline your recruitment needs and the position you are looking to fill. Be specific about the job requirements, qualifications, and experience you are looking for in a candidate.

Step 4: Let the agency know about the hiring process within your company. This includes the number of interviews, timelines, and any specific procedures you follow.

Step 5: If there are any specific requirements for the position such as security clearance or language proficiency, make sure to mention them.

Step 6: Let the agency know your recruitment budget, including any fees or commissions that may be involved.

Step 7: Make sure to include your contact information in the email, including your name, title, email address, and phone number.

Step 8: Close the email with a professional closing such as "Best regards" or "Sincerely", followed by your name and company information."

Where Do I Get the Recruitment Email Template Free?

There are several websites where you can find free recruitment email templates. Here are some options:

1. SendFlock provides an excellent selection of cold email templates that can help you streamline your email campaigns and improve your chances of engaging with high-quality job candidates.

2. HubSpot offers a variety of free email templates for different recruitment stages, including job offer letters, interview confirmation emails, and rejection emails.

3. Mailchimp offers a selection of free email templates for different industries, including recruitment and human resources.

4. Zoho Recruit offers free email templates that you can use for job postings, candidate communication, and interview scheduling.

5. Workable provides a library of free email templates for different recruitment stages, including job application acknowledgment emails, interview follow-up emails, and job offer letters.
