Cold Email Deliverability: Comprehensive Guide

Maria Jones
January 5, 2023

When it comes to marketing, cold email deliverability is an important factor that can make or break your success. "Cold email deliverability" refers to getting your cold emails into your recipients' inboxes. It determines how effective your email marketing campaigns are.

Email should be at the top of the list for company brand marketing. And for that, you need to send the email to the right people correctly. That’s why cold email ensures that the email goes to the recipient's correct inbox instead of spam.

This article discusses sender reputation, email content, and IP address as key factors that contribute to successful cold email deliverability. So, let's dive in.

What Is Cold Email Deliverability?

Cold email deliverability refers to the success rate of sending emails to people who have not expressed prior interest in receiving communication from you. The goal of cold emailing is to introduce yourself and your business to potential clients and persuade them to take action, such as scheduling a call or visiting your website.

However, in order to reach your audience's inbox, your emails must first pass through various filters and spam checks. A high deliverability rate means that a large percentage of your cold emails are successfully delivered to the intended recipient's inbox. While a low deliverability rate means that many of your emails are being blocked or sent to the spam folder.

Already looking for a cold email outreach tool? With SendFlock you can send hyper personalized cold emails and automated follow-up sequences. It also contains unified inbox, workflow automation, built-in CRM etc.

The Importance Of Cold Email Deliverability

Cold email is not just about getting the email to the right inbox but it also does something special that determines the success of an email marketing campaign to a large extent. Some of them are

Lead Generation

Almost all email marketing aims to increase the number of leads. As the number of leads increases, the chances of converting from them to buyers also increase. It is beneficial, especially for startup businesses. Cold email is a very effective method for lead generation out there. The personalized email sent through this increases the chances of getting fresh leads several times.

Increase Brand Awareness

Cold email outreach can be an amazing way to increase publicity for a new business. As it reaches the right inbox of the recipient, it can be the best medium for any brand promotion. The better you can personalize your email, the more impressive it will make on your prospect's mind, which works very well for new business brand awareness.

Help To Recruit The Right Person

Only company recruiters know how difficult it is to find the right person for a particular position in a company. When you select several people for that position and reach out to them through email, you must remember that the emails do not go to their spam or promotion tab. You can use cold email to make this task easier now. Through this, the impression of your company's professionalism emerges in the mind of that person and it is also convenient to hire him.

Finds Investors For Companies

Cold emails can be a very effective way to attract investors to a company. This makes it easy to introduce them to your business and the investment your company needs. As well as that, cold emails create a good impression and there's a high possibility of meeting with an investor.

Cold Email Deliverability
Importance of Cold Email Deliverability

Good Email Deliverability vs. Poor Email Deliverability

A cold email can be suspicious to your prospects since they don't know you or your company. Trying to convince them by telling them anything about your business may negatively impact their decision. This perhaps leads them to delete your email after viewing it or mark it as spam. Later, the recipient's Email Service Provider (ESP) will consider all your email as spam and put them in the spam folder, and block the email in some cases. Therefore, you should be aware of the properties of Good and poor email deliverability.

Good Email Deliverability

  • Landed in the right inbox increases the success rate and more ROI.
  • Increase the sender's reputation.
  • High open rates.
  • Click-through rates is high.
  • High response rates.
  • Less bounced emails.
  • Fewer unsubscribe requests.

Poor Email Deliverability

  • Email may end up in the recipient's spam, promotion, or junk folder, which can derail your entire campaign.
  • Damaged sender's reputation.
  • Often blocked by ESP.
  • Less open rates.
  • Less click-through rates.
  • Low response rates.
  • Low inbox placement rate.
  • More bounced emails.
  • More unsubscribe requests.
Cold Email Deliverability
Good Email Deliverability vs. Poor Email Deliverability

The Suspicious Stuff Of Cold Email Outreach

If the emails are not carefully crafted and targeted, cold email outreach can sometimes be viewed as suspicious or spammy. There are several factors that can contribute to the suspiciousness of a cold email campaign:

  • Using a generic or unfamiliar sender name: If the sender of the cold email is not immediately recognizable or appears to be using a fake or misleading name, it can raise red flags for the recipient.
  • Sending emails to a large number of recipients: Sending cold emails to a large number of people at once, particularly if they are not relevant to your business, can appear spammy and untargeted.
  • Using a misleading subject line: A subject line that is overly salesy, sensational, or unrelated to the content of the email can make the email seem spammy and untrustworthy.
  • Failing to follow email etiquette: Sending cold emails without proper greeting or closing, using excessive capitalization or punctuation, or including attachments without permission can all make the email seem unprofessional and suspicious.

What Causes Email Deliverability Issues

There are several factors that can cause email deliverability issues, including:

  • Spam filters: Email providers use spam filters to identify and block emails that are likely to be spam.
  • Blacklisting: Email providers maintain lists of domains and IP addresses that are known to send spam.
  • Invalid or low-quality email addresses: If you are sending emails to invalid or low-quality email addresses, they may bounce back or be marked as spam.
  • Poor email content: Emails that contain spammy or irrelevant content, or that have a high number of links, may be flagged as spam.
  • Poor email formatting: Emails that are poorly formatted or contain many coding errors may be flagged as spam.
  • Complaints from recipients: If a high number of recipients mark your emails as spam, this may negatively impact your deliverability.

The Factors Behind Email Deliverability

There are several factors that can affect email deliverability.

Sender's Reputation

Email providers use various algorithms to determine the reputation of the sender's IP address and domain. This includes looking at metrics such as the number of bounced emails, the number of spam complaints, and the overall sending history of the domain. Poor email sending reputation might send emails to the spam folder or rejected outright.

Quality Of Email List

It is important to regularly clean and maintain your email list to ensure that it only includes valid and engaged recipients. Sending emails to a list of outdated or invalid email addresses can result in bounces, which can negatively impact deliverability.

Content Of Email

The content of the email is one of the main factors that email providers use to determine whether an email is spam. Emails that contain excessive capitalization or punctuation, are more likely flagged as spam.

Server And Infrastructure

Ensuring deliverability consists of properly configuring the server and infrastructure for sending emails. Deliverability issues occur if the server or infrastructure is not set up correctly.

Email Authentication

Email authentication is also important to ensure that emails are properly authenticated and not flagged as spam or malicious content. This is the process of verifying the identity of the sender of an email and ensuring that the email has not been altered in transit. There are several methods of email authentication, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, which help to prevent spoofing and phishing attacks by verifying that the sender is who they claim to be. Implementing email authentication can help to improve the deliverability of emails and protect your brand's reputation.

Cold Email Deliverability
Factors Behind Email Deliverability

How to Improve Cold Email Deliverability

You can improve cold email deliverability by taking some simple steps. Steps such as using a reputable ESP, setting up a valid domain, using a double opt-in process, segmenting your emails, and avoiding spam-triggering language. Additionally, it is important to make sure that all emails are personalized, sent from a real person, with a real name and a real email address. Besides, it is essential to monitor and maintain your email list and to regularly analyze the performance of your emails, to ensure that they are reaching their intended recipients.

Use A Cold Email Automation Tool

Cold email automation tools can be a great resource for improving cold email deliverability. Tools like SendFlock allow users to automate the process of sending out cold emails. This makes easier to target the right audience, track results, and optimize campaigns. Automation tools can help users manage contact lists, create targeted emails, and measure the success of their campaigns. With the help of a cold email automation tool, users can maximize the effectiveness of their cold emails and ensure they reach the right people.

Personalize Your Email Content

Personalizing email content is key to improving cold email deliverability. You can personalize emails by addressing them by their first name and including relevant information about their industry or interests. This also means avoiding generic messages and instead creating content that is specific to the recipient, including personalizing the subject line, body text, and images. By doing this, you can build better relationships with your recipients and increase the success of your cold email campaigns.

Send Relevant Content

Email content must be relevant to the recipient and should contain no spammy words or phrases. To ensure your emails are being delivered and read, sending relevant content in your cold emails is essential. Focus on providing value to the reader and make sure to personalize your message to make it as relevant as possible. Additionally, make sure to avoid spammy language and always include a call to action. Following this tip can help ensure that your cold emails have a higher deliverability rate.

Maintain Up-To-Date Prospect List

Maintaining an up-to-date prospect list is essential for successful cold email deliverability. Keeping an accurate list enables you to send targeted emails to the right people and ensures that emails are delivered to the right addresses. Additionally, it is important to keep your list up to date to avoid sending emails to addresses that are no longer active, which can lead to bounces and lower deliverability rates. You can increase the chances of your emails being delivered and read if your prospect list is accurate.

Monitor Your Reputation

To ensures your emails are being sent and received successfully, monitoring your reputation in cold email deliverability is important. Track your IP address, domain, and email address to see if they have been blocked or marked as spam. By keeping an eye on your reputation, you can quickly identify and address issues, such as blacklisting, that may be preventing your emails from being delivered. This can help to ensure that your emails reach the intended recipients and that you maintain a good reputation as an email sender.

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Improve Cold Email Deliverability

Improve Your Cold Email Deliverability With SendFlock

SendFlock is a powerful email automation platform that helps businesses improve their cold email deliverability. With SendFlock, businesses can automate their email campaigns and track their results to ensure that their cold emails are reaching the right people. SendFlock also provides detailed analytics to help businesses understand how their cold emails are performing and make improvements where needed. With SendFlock, businesses can easily optimize their cold email campaigns to ensure maximum deliverability and open rates.


Email Deliverability provides a comprehensive overview of how to ensure that your cold emails make it to their intended recipients. By understanding the various factors that impact email deliverability, marketers can craft effective campaigns that maximize their chances of success. Additionally, marketers should use the best practices provided in this article to ensure that their cold emails are delivered and are effective. Ultimately, a successful cold email deliverability strategy is key to success in any email marketing campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Good Email Deliverability Rate?

A good email deliverability rate is generally considered to be above 95%. This means that out of all the emails you send, at least 95% of them are successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox. However, the exact definition of a "good" deliverability rate can vary; depending on the specific industry you're in and the type of emails you're sending. Also, keep in mind that you should maintain the bounce rate as low as possible. A bounce rate of not more than 2% or 3% is good.

How Many Cold Emails Should You Send Per Day?

Sending 10 to 20 cold emails a day is a good number when cold emailing with new mail. But when you send a lot of emails, your ESP notices the unusual activity of email sending rates for a fresh email address. This could influence them to flag it as spam. As it slowly builds up its reputation, you can send about 200 cold emails a day.

How Can You Send Bulk Cold Emails Without Spamming?

When sending bulk emails, there are several things to keep in mind to ensure that the mail does not end up in spam. No spammy words, avoid sending suspicious files and attachments, include unsubscribe links, etc. Alternatively, you'll need to use a cold email automation tool like SendFlock. With this, you can send any personalized email to the right inbox of the recipient.

How Do You Test Cold Email Deliverability?

To test the deliverability of cold emails, you can use an email deliverability testing tool like SendFlock. This tool allows you to send test emails to simulated inboxes at different email providers to see if your emails are likely to land in the recipient's inbox or spam folder. Also, you can check the click and open rate bounce rate, and conversion rate.
Based on the results of the deliverability test, make any necessary changes to your cold email to improve its deliverability (e.g., correcting any formatting errors, or improving the subject line).

What has the Biggest Impact On Email Deliverability?

The reputation of the sender's domain and IP address has the most significant impact on email deliverability. Email providers use various signals, including the sender's reputation, to determine whether to deliver an email to the recipient's inbox or spam folder. A sender's reputation is based on the quality and behavior of the emails that are sent from their domain and IP address.

Which Factors Damage The Sender Reputation?

Mainly, there are four factors that damage the sender's reputation. They are the number of bounces and complaints, the quality of the email list, the content of the emails, and the formatting of the emails.

What Does A Good Cold Email Look Like?

Here are some key characteristics of a good cold email: personalization, a clear and compelling subject line, a well-written and organized email body, a strong call to action, a professional tone, and compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act.

Which Is Better DKIM Or SPF?

In terms of effectiveness, both DKIM and SPF can help to improve email deliverability and protect recipients from spam and phishing attacks. However, DKIM is generally considered to be more effective than SPF, as it uses a digital signature to authenticate the sender, which is more difficult to forge than an SPF record.

Does DMARC Help Deliverability?

DMARC includes a reporting mechanism that allows domain owners to receive reports on emails that pass or fail DMARC evaluation. Implementing DMARC can help to improve email deliverability by reducing spam and phishing and providing visibility into email traffic. It's generally recommended that domain owners.
