17 Best Web Design Cold Email Templates For 2023

Stuart Laurie
January 18, 2023

Web design is a constantly evolving field, and the best cold email templates for web design in 2023 need to reflect the latest trends and best practices. Whether you're a web designer or an agency, you need to be able to reach out to potential clients in a way that is both professional and effective. This blog post represents the 17 best web design cold email templates in 2023 that you can use to reach out to potential clients and get the results you want

47% of people open emails based on the subject line. Whereas, 69% of people report emails as spammers based on the subject line. (Source: investpro.com)

What Is Cold Email Template?

A cold email template is a pre-written email that can be used as a starting point for sending messages to potential customers. It includes a standard structure and language that can be changed to fit the sender's needs. It is used to introduce a product or service, ask for a meeting, or follow up on an introduction. It can save time and make sure important information is included, but it should be personalized to avoid looking like a generic mass mail.


What Should You Consider While Creating A Web Design Cold Email?

To produce a successful cold email campaign for web design services, it's crucial to stand out in a recipient's inbox and make your message personalized. Utilizing a cold email template can be a great solution. Personalize your message, highlight your strengths, and clearly state the benefits your services offer to potential clients. You should follow some strategies to get your prospects’ attention.

Subject Line

A subject line is a critical component of any business email, particularly for cold emails. It is the first thing a recipient sees and it plays a crucial role in determining whether or not they will open your email. To generate clients for your web design services, it is important to have an attention-grabbing subject line that accurately reflects your business and services. Avoid using too many words or making it too complex, as this can lead to your email being blocked. Instead, aim to make it short and simple, while including relevant keywords that help the recipient understand who you are and what you offer.

Email Personalization

Creating a personalized approach in your cold emails can lead to far more successful results compared to generic emails. Personalization goes beyond simply including the recipient's name in the greeting. To truly personalize your message, it's important to understand the recipient's background and how your services can align with their business needs. Highlighting the specific benefits and value your services can provide, as well as relating it to their current business activities, can make a significant impact. Additionally, acknowledging and congratulating the recipient on any recent successes they may have achieved in their industry can further strengthen the personalization of your message.

Show the Benefits

As a business owner or organization, everyone is always looking to maximize their profits and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. To effectively promote your web design and development services to potential clients, it's important to provide a detailed and compelling description of the benefits your services offer. This can include showcasing relevant statistics such as past performance and conversion rates or providing insights into the impact of your services on previous clients' business growth. Furthermore, highlighting the revenue and ROI ratio can be a powerful way to demonstrate the value and potential return on investment of your services.

Showcase Your Strength

When it comes to selling web design services, it's essential to be aware of your strengths as a designer or developer. Cold emails can be an effective way to communicate these strengths to potential clients. However, it's important to remember that highlighting your strengths doesn't necessarily mean writing long paragraphs. Instead, focus on your most significant achievements and how your services have made an impact on other businesses. Additionally, mentioning your previous clients' industries can help demonstrate your expertise and experience.

Call-to-Action Button

Incorporating a call to action button in your cold email can greatly increase the chances of success. This button should allow recipients to easily respond to your email and address any common questions they may have. To make it even more convenient, the button should also include a hyperlink that opens in a new tab. This allows for a more instant reply and makes it easier for potential customers to communicate with you. However, to ensure that the button is effective, it should be simple and clear.

And to make cold emailing easy, you should use cold email software that is powerful to automate workflow and generate hyper-personalized emails. Tools like SendFlock which has follow-up sequence, unified inbox, and CRM. Thus an all-in-one sales machine.

17 Best Web Design Cold Email Templates

The 17 best web design cold email templates are designed to boost conversions and close more deals. These expertly crafted templates are customizable and designed to increase your chances of getting new clients. Utilize these templates as a guide to compose persuasive and effective emails.

1. Introduce Yourself Template

This template is perfect for when you're reaching out to a potential client for the first time. It's a great way to introduce yourself and your business and to give the client a sense of what you can do for them.

Subject: Introduction - [Your Name] - Web Designer

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a professional web designer with [Number] years of experience in the field. I stumbled upon your company [Company Name] and was impressed by the quality of your services/products. I believe that my skills and experience would be a perfect match for your business.

It would be great to discuss the possibility of working together to design a new website or redesign your current one. With my knowledge of the latest web design trends and technologies, I am confident that I can create a visually stunning, user-friendly, and responsive website that will help you achieve your business goals.

I would be happy to provide you with samples of my work, and I would love to schedule a consultation at your convenience to discuss your project in more detail.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

2. Showcase Your Work Template

In some cases, it is important to showcase your work to create a good impression in the first place. Among the 17 best web design cold email templates showcasing your work is one of them. The following template is perfect when you want to show off your portfolio to a potential client. It's a great way to showcase your skills and give the client a sense of what you can do for them.

Subject: Showcasing My Web Design Work - [Your Name]

Hey [Client Name],

I'm [Your Name], a professional web designer with [Number] years of experience. I came across your company, [Company Name], and noticed that your website could use an update. I'd like to showcase my work and how it can benefit your business. I've attached some samples from my portfolio for your review.

I'd love to schedule a consultation to discuss your project in more detail.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

3. Offer a Free Consultation Template

A free consultation represents your understanding skill. This template is perfect when you want to offer a free consultation to a potential client. It's a great way to get to know the client and to give them a sense of what you can do for them.

Subject: Offer for a Free Web Design Consultation - [Your Name]

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a professional web designer with [Number] years of experience in the field. I came across your company [Company Name] and noticed that your website could use an update to keep up with the latest design trends.

I would like to offer you a complimentary consultation to discuss your web design needs and how I can help you achieve your business goals. During this consultation, we can discuss your project in more detail, including your target audience, goals, and budget. I will also provide you with examples of my work and answer any questions you may have.

This consultation will be completely free of charge and will give you an opportunity to see if my services are a good fit for your business. I would be happy to schedule the consultation at a time that is convenient for you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

4. Case Study Template

This template is perfect when you want to showcase the results you've achieved for past clients. It's a great way to demonstrate your expertise and give a potential client an idea of what you can do for them.

Subject: [Company Name] - Website Design Success Story

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Position] at [Company Name]. I came across your company and I was impressed by the work you do.

I would like to share with you one of our recent case studies that showcases the work we did for [Client Name]. We helped them to increase their online presence and attract more customers by developing a custom website that met their needs.

The results were astounding. They saw a [X% increase] in website traffic and a [X% increase] in conversions within the first month of launching the new website.

I would love to schedule a call with you to discuss how we can help you achieve similar results for your business. Please let me know a time that works for you.


[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]

5. Testimonial Template

If you want to show off positive feedback from past clients, then this template might help you. It's a great way to build trust and credibility with the potential client.

Subject: [Client Name] - Check out what our past clients are saying about us

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I came across your website and I was impressed with the quality of your work. I would love to know more about your web design needs and how we can help take your online presence to the next level.

I wanted to share with you some of the feedback we've received from our past clients. They have been kind enough to share their experience working with us and the results they've achieved.

[Insert testimonial from past client 1]

[Insert testimonial from past client 2]

[Insert testimonial from past client 3]

We take pride in our work and the results we've achieved for our clients. I would love to schedule a call with you to discuss how we can help you achieve the same results. Please let me know if you would be interested in this, and we can schedule a call at your convenience.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

6. Expertise Template

This template is perfect for when you want to highlight your expertise in a specific area of web design. It's a great way to show the potential client that you're the best person for the job.

Subject: Expertise in [specific area of web design]

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your name] and I am a web designer with [number] years of experience in the industry. I specialize in [specific area of web design] and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, visually-appealing websites for businesses like yours. I would love the opportunity to discuss your web design needs further and to show you some examples of my work.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to schedule a free consultation.

Best regards,

[Your name]

7. Personalized Template

Personalized emails reflect more on how you have studied your prospect’s flaws and how you can help them. Among the 17 best web design cold email templates, this one will surely win your prospects. This template is perfect for making a connection with the potential client on a personal level. It's a great way to show that you understand their needs and that you're invested in their success.

Subject: [Your Name] - A Personalized Web Design Solution for [Company Name]

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a web designer with [Number of Years] years of experience in the industry. I came across your company, [Company Name], and I was impressed by the [insert specific aspect of the company that caught your attention]. I noticed that your website [insert specific aspect of the website that needs improvement or lacks] and I believe I can help you with that.

I understand that every business is unique and that's why I take the time to get to know each of my clients and their specific needs. That's why I'd love to schedule a call with you to discuss how I can help [Company Name] achieve its online goals.

I'd be happy to provide you with a free consultation and show you some of my previous work. I believe that my skills and experience will be a great asset to your company, and I'm excited about the opportunity to work together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

8. Ask for a Referral Template

A referral program is a strategy for promoting your brand through word-of-mouth. Instead of leaving reviews online or completing customer feedback surveys, referral programs allow customers to share their experiences with their associates, colleagues and friends. This way it can create more personal and credible recommendations for your brand. This template is perfect for when you want to ask a potential client for a referral. It's a great way to get the word out about your business and get more clients.

Subject: Request for Referral

Hey [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to ask for a referral.

I rely heavily on word of mouth and referrals to grow my business. If you know any friends, family, or colleagues who need a new website or redesign, I would greatly appreciate it if you could refer them to me.

As a token of appreciation, I will offer you a [discount/bonus] on your next project with me.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

9. Offer a Special Deal Template

Among our other best web design cold email templates, this is one crucial template. Special offers occasionally work as bait and can really get you clients. The following template is perfect when you want to offer a special deal to a potential client. It's a great way to get the client to take action and get more business.

Subject: Exclusive Offer for [Client Name]

Hi [Client Name],

I wanted to reach out to you today to offer you a special deal that I believe will benefit your business. As a [web designer/web design agency], I am always looking for ways to provide value to my clients and to help them achieve their goals.

I am offering you a [discount/bonus] on your next project with me. Whether you are in need of a new website or a redesign of your current website, I am here to help. And with this special offer, you can save [amount] on your next project with me.

This offer is exclusive to you and it is only available for a limited time. Let me know if you have any questions or need any information, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

10. Follow-Up Template

A follow-up email is important as your prospect might have accidentally skipped your previous email. Sometimes follow-up emails are a great opportunity turning prospects into clients. This template is perfect for when you want to follow up with a potential client. It's a great way to keep the conversation going and to get the client to take action.

Subject: Following up on our previous conversation

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our previous conversation regarding [insert project/service]. I wanted to make sure that you had all the information you needed.

I understand that making a decision on a web design project can take time. I just wanted to check in and see if there is anything else I can provide to help with your decision-making process. I would also like to remind you of the special offer we discussed, which expires on [insert date], and I would not like you to miss out.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know, and I will be more than happy to assist you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

11. Thank You Template

A simple thank you can improve your impression over your client. This template is perfect when you want to thank a potential client for their time and consideration. It's a great way to show your appreciation and build a relationship with the client.

Subject: Thank you for your time

Hi [Client Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to speak with me yesterday. I truly appreciate your interest in our [web design/web development] services and the opportunity to discuss your upcoming project.

I understand that you have many options when it comes to choosing a web design partner and I am honored that you considered us. I hope that the information we provided was helpful and that you have a clearer idea of how we can help you achieve your goals.

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to reach out. I would love to have the opportunity to work with you and help bring your vision to life.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

12. Invite to a Webinar Template

An online event, broadcasted to a specific audience through the Internet, hosted by an organization or company is known as a webinar. It is a great way to introduce your skills and work to the audience. As one of the best web design cold email templates, you can follow the below template to invite potential clients to a webinar.

Subject: Invitation to our upcoming webinar on [topic]

Hello [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am a [Your profession/position] at [Your company name]. I came across your website and noticed that you are in need of [what the client's website needs]. I believe that our upcoming webinar on [topic] would be of great value to you and your business.

We'll be discussing [what the webinar will be about]. This webinar will give you a better understanding of [what the client will learn from the webinar]. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions and get personalized advice from our team of experts.

The webinar will be held on [date and time]. To register for the webinar, simply click on the link below:

[Link to registration page]

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. We look forward to seeing you at the webinar.


[Your name]
[Your company name]
[Your contact details]

13. Invite to an Event Template

Inviting your prospects to an event will help you get close to them and discuss your work with them. The following template is perfect if you want to invite a potential client to an event. It's a great way to connect with the client and give them a sense of what you can do for them.

Subject: Invitation to Our Web Design Event

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], a web designer at [Your Company Name]. I came across your website and was impressed by the design. I would like to invite you to our upcoming web design event on [Date and Time] at [Location]. The event will showcase the latest trends and techniques in the industry and provide an opportunity for networking.

Please let us know if you're interested in attending, and we'll be happy to provide more information.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]

14. Offer A Discount Template

Sometimes discount coupons are a plus point for some companies. Among our 17 best web design cold email templates one is how to offer a discount. This template works when you want to offer a discount to a prospect. It's a great way to get the client to take action and get more business.

Subject: Exclusive Discount for Web Design Services

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the owner of [Your Company Name], a web design agency that specializes in creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

I came across your business [Client's Company Name] and noticed that you do not have a website or your current website is outdated. I believe a website is an essential tool for any business in today's digital age, and I would love to help you create a website that truly represents your brand and attracts more customers.

As a token of appreciation for taking the time to read this email, I would like to offer you an exclusive discount of [Discount Percentage] on our web design services. This is a limited-time offer and I would hate for you to miss out on this opportunity.

Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of this offer. I would be more than happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss your website requirements and show you our portfolio.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]

15. Offer a Free Trial Template

Established companies hardly trust newbies. And if you are struggling to turn prospects into clients then this template is for you. Offer a free trial to your prospect and show how you can help them build their website dynamically. This a great way to get the client to try your services and to see what you can do for them.

Subject: Free Web Design Trial - [Your Business Name]

Hi [Client Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Title] at [Your Business Name]. We specialize in providing top-notch web design services. I came across your website and I believe our services can enhance your online presence.

I would like to offer you a free trial of our services. We are confident that after you see the quality of our work, you will be impressed and want to work with us. If you're interested, please let me know and we can schedule a call to discuss your web design needs.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Business Name]

16. Offer a Guarantee Template

When you offer a guarantee to a prospect, it assures the clients to trust you and influences them to work with you. Moreover, they get to know your work and spread out to others how good you are at your work. So, sometimes it is a good idea to offer a guarantee. Here is our template to help you get your clients.

Subject: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for Your Web Design Needs

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am the owner of [Your Company Name], a web design agency that specializes in creating stunning and user-friendly websites for businesses.

I noticed that your website could benefit from a fresh and modern design. I would like to offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the final product. If you are not completely satisfied, we will work with you until you are, or we will refund your money.

Please let me know if you're interested in setting up a consultation, and I'll make sure to schedule a time that works for you.


[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]

17. Offer a Bonus Template

Offering a bonus is a great idea to turn your prospects into clients. The following template is one of the best web design cold email templates to help you reach out to your prospects. This template is perfect as it is a great way to incentivize the client and give them added value for working with you.

Subject: Exclusive Bonus for [Company Name]

Hey [Client Name],

I am [Your Name], owner of [Your Company Name], a web design agency. I came across your company [Company Name] and I was impressed by the quality of your products and services.

I wanted to reach out to you today to let you know that I am currently offering a complimentary mobile-responsive design for your website, at no additional cost. This will ensure that your website looks great and functions seamlessly on all devices.

If you're interested in learning more about our services and our bonus offer, please don't hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss your project in more detail.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Contact Information]


In conclusion, these 17 web design cold email templates for web design in 2023 are designed to help you reach out to potential clients in a professional and effective way. And to make your cold emailing much more efficient, SendFlock is a good choice. Whether you're introducing yourself, showcasing your work, or offering a special deal, these templates will help you get the results you want. Remember to always tailor your message to the specific client, and to follow up with them to keep the conversation going. Happy emailing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Cold Emailing Work For Web Design?

Cold emailing can be an effective strategy for promoting web design services if done correctly. Personalization, highlighting strengths, and clearly stating benefits in the email can help increase the chances of landing new clients. However, it's important to note that success with cold emailing depends on various factors such as the quality of your email, your target audience, and how you segment your email list.

What Should You Avoid In A Cold Email?

When sending a cold email, there are several things to avoid in order to increase the chances of success. Firstly, it's important to avoid using a generic or template-like message, as it is unlikely to capture the recipient's attention. Instead, personalize your message by addressing the recipient by name and tailoring the content to their specific needs.

Secondly, it's important to avoid using a too-salesy or pushy tone, as it can come across as insincere and may turn the recipient off. Instead, focus on highlighting the value and benefits of your services in a professional and authentic way.

Thirdly, it's important to avoid sending emails to an unqualified or non-targeted list, as it can lead to a low response rate and may result in the email being marked as spam. Instead, segment your email list and ensure that you are only reaching out to individuals who have shown an interest in your services or have a genuine need for them.

Lastly, Do not send emails without permission, it's important to have an opt-in or double opt-in process otherwise it will be considered as spam.

In summary, It's essential to avoid generic messages, pushy tones, non-targeted lists, and sending emails without permission in cold email.

What Is The Fastest Way To Personalize A Cold Email?

Personalization is a key aspect of cold emailing, and it can be achieved in a variety of ways. One of the fastest ways to personalize a cold email is by addressing the recipient by name in the greeting, and including relevant information about their company or industry in the body of the email.
