Cold Email Template For Meeting: 18 Best Templates For 2023

Stuart Laurie
February 9, 2023

Cold email template for meeting can guide you on how to send cold emails that get responses. Read further to learn how to write to make your meetings successful.

Cold emailing is a technique used to reach out to potential clients or customers in order to generate new business opportunities. A well-crafted cold email can help establish a relationship and create a positive first impression. With the new year upon us, it's important to have an updated cold email template that reflects your professional brand and effectively communicates your message. Here are 18 best cold email templates for 2023, designed to help you stand out in a crowded inbox and increase your chances of securing a meeting.

What Is Cold Email Template?

A cold email template is a pre-written email used to efficiently reach out to potential clients or customers, with a consistent structure and message. It can be customized and optimized for specific industries or recipients to improve response rates and generate new business opportunities.

cold email template for meeting

How To Structure A Meeting Invitation Email

A meeting invitation email should have a clear and concise structure to increase the chances of the recipient accepting the invitation. The following is a suggested structure of cold email template for meeting:

Email Subject Line

The email subject line of a meeting invitation email is one of the most crucial elements as it's the first thing the recipient sees and can influence their decision to open the email or not. It should be brief, attention-grabbing, and clearly convey the purpose of the email. A good email subject line should also set the tone for the rest of the email and create a sense of excitement or urgency. Examples of effective subject lines include: "Invitation to Discuss [Purpose of Meeting]", "Join us for [Agenda Item] on [Date]", or "Exclusive opportunity to [Benefit of Meeting]".


The introduction is the first section of the meeting invitation email and sets the tone for the rest of the message. Start with a friendly greeting, such as "Hello [Recipient's Name],", and introduce yourself and your company. This section should be brief and to the point, but also engaging enough to encourage the recipient to keep reading. The goal of the introduction is to establish a connection and create a positive first impression with the recipient.


The purpose section of a meeting invitation email should clearly state the reason for the meeting and why it would be beneficial for the recipient to attend. It should provide enough detail to entice the recipient to accept the invitation, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming or uninteresting. This section should include a brief overview of the goals and objectives of the meeting and what the recipient can expect to gain from attending. By effectively communicating the purpose of the meeting, you increase the chances of securing the recipient's participation and ensuring a productive and successful outcome.

Date and Time

Date and Time is a crucial aspect of a meeting invitation email, as it helps the recipient schedule their time accordingly. Specifying the date and time of the meeting clearly and accurately is important to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings. When mentioning the date and time, consider the recipient's schedule and time zone, and provide options if possible.


In the Agenda section of a meeting invitation email, it's important to provide a brief overview of the topics that will be covered during the meeting. This helps the recipient understand the purpose and goals of the meeting, and provides them with context for why their attendance is important. It's best to keep the Agenda section concise and to the point, highlighting only the most relevant and critical topics that will be discussed.


In the "Confirmation" section of your meeting invitation email, it's important to make it easy for the recipient to confirm their attendance. You can do this by providing them with clear instructions on how to respond, such as by replying to the email or clicking a link to confirm their availability. Additionally, you can also ask if they have any specific requirements or preferences for the meeting, such as a specific agenda item or type of refreshments. By being proactive in addressing any potential concerns, you can help make the process of confirming attendance as smooth and efficient as possible.

Call to Action

The call to action is an essential part of any email and serves as the conclusion and the main objective of the email. It should be clear, direct, and specific, and ask the recipient to take a specific action. For a meeting invitation email, the call to action could be to confirm attendance, ask for any specific requirements, or request a reply with questions. A strong call to action will increase the chances of the recipient taking the desired action and help you achieve your goals.


The signature is an important aspect of your meeting invitation email as it provides your contact information and reinforces your professional brand. It should include your full name, job title, company name, and relevant contact information such as email address and phone number. You can also include a brief tagline or company logo to further establish your brand. Keep in mind that a signature should be concise and professional, so the recipient has all the necessary information to get in touch with you.

Cold emailing can be much more effective if used with the right tool such as SendFlock, a cold email automation tool. With a unified inbox, follow-up sequences, workflow automation, and built-in CRM, this tool is your perfect sales machine.

18 Best Cold Email Template For Meeting

The 18 best cold email template for meeting are designed to help you effectively reach out to potential clients and customers, establish a relationship, and secure a meeting. These templates have been crafted to be attention-grabbing, professional, and relevant, in order to increase the chances of the recipient responding positively. These templates will help you streamline your cold email outreach efforts and improve your chances of generating new business opportunities.

1. How To Write An Email For Meeting Invite

A meeting invite email should be clear, concise, and professional in order to effectively communicate the purpose of the meeting and increase the chances of the recipient accepting the invitation. The following is a short cold email template for meeting you can use as a guide:

Subject: Meeting Invitation - [Meeting Topic]

Hi [Name],

I am reaching out to invite you to a meeting to discuss [Meeting Topic]. I believe that your insights and expertise would be valuable to our discussion.

The meeting will take place on [Date and Time], at [Location]. The agenda for the meeting will include [Agenda Items].

Please let me know if this time works for you, and if you have any specific requirements for the meeting.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2. How To Write An Email For Team Meeting

A team meeting email is an important tool for communicating information and keeping everyone on the same page. It should be clear, concise, and professional. It should include the purpose of the meeting, date and time, location, and an overview of the agenda. The email should also include any necessary background information or preparation required from the recipients.

Subject: Team Meeting on [Date]

Hi [Team Member Name],

I would like to invite you to a team meeting on [Date and Time] at [Location]. The purpose of this meeting is to [Purpose of the meeting].

During the meeting, we will discuss [Agenda items]. Please come prepared to share your thoughts and ideas on these topics.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

3. How To Write Team Meeting Invitation Email

A team meeting invitation email is used to inform team members about an upcoming meeting and to encourage their attendance. It should be clear, concise, and professional to ensure that the team is well informed and prepared for the meeting.

Subject: [Meeting Topic] - Team Meeting [Date and Time]

Hey [Team Member Name],

I would like to invite you to an upcoming team meeting on [Date and Time]. The meeting will focus on [Meeting Topic] and will provide an opportunity for us to [Meeting Purpose].

The meeting will be held [Location and format (in-person, virtual, etc.)].

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and if you are able to attend.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

4. How To Write An Email To Schedule A Meeting

Scheduling a meeting through email can be a convenient and effective way to coordinate with others. When writing an email to schedule a meeting, it's important to be clear, concise, and professional in order to increase the chances of a positive response.

Subject: Request for a Meeting - [Meeting Purpose]

Hello [Name],

I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss [Meeting Purpose]. I believe this meeting could provide valuable insights and help us work towards [Meeting Goal].

Could we schedule a meeting on [Date and Time] at [Location or Virtual Meeting Platform]? I understand if this time doesn't work for you, so please let me know if you need to schedule for another time.

I have included a brief overview of the topics I would like to discuss:

[Agenda/Topics to be covered]

I am looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5. How Do You Write An Email To Inform A Meeting?

An email to inform a meeting is a professional and effective way to communicate information about an upcoming meeting to its intended participants. The purpose of an email to inform a meeting is to provide relevant details about the meeting such as date, time, location, agenda, and any necessary materials or preparation.

Subject: [Meeting Topic] Meeting Scheduled for [Date & Time]

Hi [Name],

I would like to inform you that we have scheduled a [Meeting Topic] meeting on [Date & Time] at [Location].

The purpose of this meeting is to [insert purpose]. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

[insert agenda or bullet points of topics to be covered]

Please bring any necessary materials or preparation, such as [insert materials or preparation].

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the meeting. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

6. What To Write When You Can't Attend A Meeting?

When you're unable to attend a scheduled meeting, it's important to communicate your absence in a professional and considerate manner. By doing so, you can avoid causing inconvenience or frustration to the other participants and maintain a positive working relationship. The following short cold email template for meeting can be used in such a situation.

Subject: Regretful Decline of [Meeting Date and Title]

Hi [Recipient's Name],

I regret to inform you that I won't be able to attend the [Meeting Date and Title] meeting. [Optional: Mention the reason for your absence, such as a prior commitment or unforeseeable circumstances.]

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I understand the importance of this meeting. I would be happy to arrange a call or alternative time to discuss the same topics at a later date if that's convenient for you.

Thank you for your understanding and I hope to connect with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

7. Cold Email Template For Partnership

A cold email template for partnership is a pre-written email that can be used to reach out to potential partners to explore collaboration opportunities. The goal of this type of email is to establish a relationship and persuade the recipient that a partnership with your company would be mutually beneficial.

Subject: [Your Company Name] – Exploring Partnership Opportunities

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Job Title] at [Your Company Name]. I came across your company, [Partner's Company Name], and was impressed by the work you are doing in the [Industry].

I believe that a partnership between our two companies could lead to exciting new opportunities for both of us. Our company [Your Company Name] specializes in [Specialization], and I think our expertise could complement your own.

Could we schedule a call to discuss this further? I would be happy to share more about our company and discuss potential collaboration opportunities.


[Your Name]

8. Cold Email Template B2b

A B2B cold email template is used to reach out to potential business clients with the goal of setting up a meeting to discuss potential partnerships or services. This B2B cold email template provides a professional and personalized approach to reaching out to potential business clients, highlighting the benefits of your company's services and requesting a meeting to discuss further.

Subject: Introducing [Your Company] and Request for a Meeting

Hi [Name],

I am writing to introduce [Your Company], a leading provider of [services/products]. Our solutions have helped numerous businesses [achieve specific goals/improve specific areas].

I would like to set up a meeting to discuss how we can assist your company and help you [achieve specific goals/improve specific areas]. During our meeting, we can delve into the unique challenges and goals of your business, and explore how our solutions can help.

Please let me know if you're available for a meeting on [proposed date and time]. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about your business and explore the possibility of a partnership.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Designation]
[Your Company]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

9. Cold Call Sales Email

In our next cold email template for meeting is on sales email. A cold call sales email is a type of outreach used to reach potential clients or customers and generate new business opportunities. The goal of a cold call sales email is to grab the recipient's attention and convince them to schedule a meeting to discuss your products or services.

Subject: Introducing [Your Company] and [Your Product/Service]

Hi [Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Job Title] at [Your Company]. I came across your company [Recipient's Company] and was impressed by your [specific aspect of their business].

I would love to discuss how [Your Company] can help [Recipient's Company] achieve its [specific goal related to their business]. Our [Your Product/Service] has helped many companies [achieve similar goals or results].

Would it be possible to schedule a meeting with you to discuss this further? I would be happy to arrange a time and date that works for you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company]
[Your Contact Information]

10. Cold Email Investor Template

A cold email investor template is a pre-written email that can be used to reach out to potential investors and request a meeting. The goal of the email is to introduce your company, explain your vision, and convince the investor to meet with you to discuss potential investment opportunities.

Subject: Introduction to [Your Company Name] - Request for Meeting

Hi [Investor Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am the [Your Title] of [Your Company Name], a [Brief Description of Your Company]. I came across your profile and was impressed by your track record of successful investments in [Industry].

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce [Your Company Name] and explain our vision. We believe that [Brief Explanation of Your Vision]. I believe that our team and technology have the potential to disrupt the [Industry] market and generate significant returns for our investors.

I would be honored to have the opportunity to discuss this opportunity further with you. Could we schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience? I would be happy to provide more information and answer any questions you may have.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

11. How To Write A Meeting Agenda Email

A meeting agenda email is an email that outlines the topics to be covered during a meeting, along with the necessary details such as date, time, and location. The goal of a meeting agenda email is to provide clear and concise information to the attendees, so they can prepare effectively and arrive at the meeting ready to discuss the outlined topics.

Subject: [Meeting Date] Agenda: [Meeting Purpose]

Hi [Name],

I wanted to share the agenda for our upcoming meeting on [Meeting Date] at [Meeting Time] at [Meeting Location].

[Agenda Item 1]
[Agenda Item 2]
[Agenda Item 3]

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the agenda, or if there's anything you'd like to add to the discussion.

I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

12. How To Write Follow-Up Meeting Email

A follow-up meeting email is a message sent to a recipient after an initial meeting to reiterate the purpose of the meeting, summarize the key points discussed, and move forward with any agreed-upon action items. Here is a cold email template for meeting for writing a follow-up meeting email:

Subject: Follow-Up: [Meeting Purpose]

Hi [Name],

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet with me [date of meeting]. I found our conversation to be very productive, and I appreciate the opportunity to discuss [topic of meeting].

I wanted to follow up on a few key points we discussed during our meeting:
[Point 1]
[Point 2]
[Point 3]

Moving forward, I would like to [insert action item]. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

13. How To Write Meeting Cancelation Email

A meeting cancellation email is used to inform attendees that a previously scheduled meeting has been canceled or postponed. It's important to be professional and considerate when sending a meeting cancellation email to minimize any inconvenience to the recipients.

Subject: Cancellation of [Meeting Title] on [Date]

Hey [Name],

Unfortunately, I need to inform you that the [Meeting Title] scheduled for [Date and Time] has been canceled. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If there was an urgent matter that needed to be discussed, please let me know and we can schedule a new meeting at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

14. How To Write Meeting Reschedule Email

A meeting reschedule email is a polite and professional way to inform a recipient that a previously scheduled meeting has been rescheduled to a new date and time. The following is a suggested template for a meeting reschedule email:

Subject: Rescheduling of [Meeting Subject]

Hello [Name],

I am writing to inform you that the [Meeting Subject] has been rescheduled to [New Date and Time]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it was necessary to reschedule due to [Reason for Rescheduling].

If the new time and date works for you, I will see you then. If not, please let me know and we can arrange a different time that suits both of our schedules.

Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

15. Apology For Skipping A Meeting

An apology for skipping a meeting is an email or message sent to express regret for not being able to attend a scheduled appointment. It's important to send this type of apology in a timely manner to maintain a positive relationship with the recipient.

Subject: Apology for missing our meeting

Hi [Name],

I am writing to apologize for not being able to attend our meeting on [Date and Time of Meeting]. Unfortunately, [provide a brief reason for skipping the meeting, such as an emergency or a schedule conflict].

I understand the importance of our meeting and I regret any inconvenience this may have caused. I would like to reschedule our meeting as soon as possible. Please let me know a time and date that works best for you.

Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

17. How To Write For Zoom Meeting

Writing for a Zoom meeting requires a clear and concise email structure to effectively communicate all necessary information to the recipient. The following is a suggested template for a Zoom meeting invitation email.

Subject: Invitation to a Zoom Meeting on [Date and Time]

Hi [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to invite you to a Zoom meeting to discuss [Meeting Purpose]. The meeting is scheduled for [Date and Time], and I believe it would be a great opportunity to [Briefly Mention The Benefit of the Meeting].

Please find the Zoom link and meeting ID below:

[Insert Zoom Link and Meeting ID]

If you need to reschedule, or if you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

18. How To Write For Calendly Meeting

Calendly is a popular scheduling tool that simplifies the process of booking meetings. When writing an email to invite someone to a Calendly meeting, it's important to provide clear instructions and include a direct link to the Calendly event. Here is a short cold email template for meeting for a Calendly meeting invitation email:

Subject: Invitation to Schedule a Meeting with [Your Name]

Hello [Name],

I wanted to reach out and see if you would be available for a meeting to discuss [topic of discussion]. I have created a Calendly event where you can easily schedule a time that works for you.

Please follow this link to view my availability and select a time that works for you: [Insert Calendly Event Link].

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

How To Choose The Right Cold Email Template

Choosing the right cold email template is key for a successful outreach campaign. Consider your goal, the recipient, and your professional image when selecting a template. Make sure the template is relevant to the recipient's needs and interests, professional, concise, and aligned with your brand. Test and optimize different templates regularly to improve your results.

Benefits Of Using Cold Email Templates

Using cold email templates can provide several benefits. It can help streamline your outreach efforts, increase the effectiveness of your emails, and ultimately help you generate new business opportunities.

  • Time-saving: Cold email templates allow you to quickly and efficiently crafts email, saving you time and freeing up your schedule to focus on other important tasks.
  • Consistency: Templates ensure that your emails have a consistent tone, structure, and messaging, which can help build your brand and establish trust with the recipient.
  • Improved Response Rates: Well-crafted templates can help increase the response rates of your cold emails, giving you a higher chance of securing a meeting or closing a deal.
  • Better targeting: By using templates that are tailored to specific industries or recipient personas, you can ensure that your emails are relevant and more likely to resonate with the recipient.
  • Test and Optimize: Using templates allows you to easily test and optimize different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, introductions, and calls to action, to determine what works best and improve your overall results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Cold Emails Do You Need For A Meeting?

There is no set number of cold emails needed for a meeting. The number of emails needed can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the recipient's interest, the quality of the email, and the relationship between the sender and recipient. Some people may respond to a single cold email while others may require multiple follow-up emails. It's important to have a follow-up plan in place and be patient as securing a meeting through cold email outreach can take time. The key is to remain persistent and continue refining your approach until you achieve your desired outcome.

What Should You Avoid In A Cold Email?

When sending a cold email, it's important to avoid certain practices that can negatively impact your results and credibility. You should avoid spamming, and providing false or misleading information. Try to be honest and not too salesy. Poor grammar and spelling errors should be avoided while cold emailing. Try to comply with laws like GDPR and CAN-SPAM. Focus on building a personal connection, providing accurate information, and presenting a professional image. This will increase your chances of success.

What Is The Success Rate Of Cold Emailing?

The success rate of cold emailing can vary depending on several factors such as the target audience, the quality of the email, the sender's reputation, and the subject line. On average, the open rate for cold emails is around 15-20%. The conversion rate (i.e., the percentage of recipients who take a desired action such as scheduling a meeting or making a purchase) can range anywhere from 1-10%. However, these numbers can be improved by carefully crafting the email, targeting the right audience, and testing and optimizing the email to find the best results.

Is Cold Email Better Than LinkedIn?

Cold emailing can be effective in reaching a large number of people quickly and at a low cost. However, the success rate can be lower compared to other outreach methods such as LinkedIn due to factors such as low open rates, high bounce rates, and strict spam filters.

On the other hand, LinkedIn provides a more targeted and professional platform for reaching potential leads. With LinkedIn, you can use features like InMail, groups, and personal connections to reach people in your network or specific industries. However, reaching people through LinkedIn can be more time-consuming and may not be as cost-effective as cold emailing.

Ultimately, the best approach will depend on your goals, target audience, and resources. Both cold emailing and LinkedIn can be effective if used correctly, and many companies choose to use a combination of both methods for maximum impact.
