Cold Email Template For Job That Stands Out [4 Best Templates]

Stuart Laurie
July 16, 2023

Getting a job can be hard without sending exceptional and catchy emails to prospective hirers. But using a cold email template for job can make your task super easy.

Because of the competition, you need to be more creative to stand out from the crowd. And sending cold emails to potential employers is one of the best ways to do that. It can also generate more connections and opportunities.

Cold emailing will act as a bridge between you and your dream job. However, it will only be effective when written properly.

Most people don’t know much about writing cold email campaigns. Therefore, we will share the steps, the guidelines, and everything to create a cold email template for the job.

What Is Cold Email?

Cold emails are the ones that you send to someone you have never met before. You have had no prior relationship or interaction with the recipient. In terms of job applications, cold emails are usually sent to hiring managers or recruiters in the hope of securing an interview.

The purpose of sending cold emails is simple. These emails are sent to introduce yourself, showcase your skills, highlight your experience, and persuade the recipient to take action, such as inviting you for an interview. Cold email is considered one of the best approaches to securing a job.

77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. (Source: HubSpot)

Understanding Your Target

Before hitting the "send" button, take the time to research the company details you're applying to and the specific role you're interested in. Identify the right contact person within the organization to address your email to, preferably someone in the relevant department or the hiring manager. Tailor your email to match the company's culture, values, and industry


Steps To Write A Cold Email For Jobs (That Works)

There are plenty of resources showing you how to write cold personalized emails for jobs. We don't know how reliable these sources are, but we want to help you. As a result, we have listed the most important steps to follow while crafting a cold email for a job application.

Step 1: Your Subject Line Should Be Clear

The first thing to follow while making a cold email is to make the subject line bold and concise. This will clearly indicate the purpose of writing the email. Additionally, it should include the keywords related to the position, location, and company name.

Step 2: Tailor The Email With Personalization

Before sending an email, do comprehensive research on the company details. You should also know the recipient, his designation, and proper name. Don’t forget to mention something solid in the email that reflects the company portfolio.

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

After following the above steps, it is time to introduce yourself. Start by providing a brief overview of your experience and qualifications. Don’t make it too large otherwise, they may not read it.

Step 4: Highlight Your Skills And Experience

While writing the cold email, you should always focus on the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job. Describe your previous job responsibilities in detail. Moreover, set examples of how your skills have been applied in previous roles.

Step 5: Express A Genuine Interest In The Job

Craft the email in a way like you are having a conversation with the recipient face-to-face. You must express your interest in the best way possible and provide solid reasons explaining why you want to work for them. Also, let them know that you understand the company's mission and values.

Step 6: End With A Call To Action

Don't forget to add a call to action at the end of your email. It should contain some sort of contact information (like your phone number) so that the interviewer can discuss your qualifications further. In addition, thank the recipient for their time.

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Tips For Sending Cold Email Job Applications

Just crafting an extraordinary email might not be enough to get you a job. For better results, you can refer to the below tips.

Do Your Research

As we have said earlier, before sending an email, it is crucial to know about the company’s details, its work, its clients, its accomplishments, and so on. Your email will not be very personal or relevant to the job without first doing in-depth research about the company.

Keep It Concise

Don’t make the email too long, it should be concise and to the point. Try to avoid inserting filler lines in the email. You should know that hiring managers and recruiters receive hundreds of emails a day. Hence, the reviewer may not read the email properly if it is too large.

Follow-Up Email

Sometimes, sending follow-up emails can help you attain a spot for the interview. If they haven’t been able to find the right person for a particular job, a follow-up email can increase your chances of getting selected.

No Spamming

Don’t copy and paste the same message for every email. To stand out from the competition, each email should be personalized depending on the job and company you are applying to.

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Sample Cold Email Templates To Get A Job

Enough about the tips to create and send cold emails for jobs. You will never get better ideas if we don’t showcase some sample templates. Let’s get started…

1. Cold Email Template For Job Openings

A cold email template for jobs is the first thing searched by job seekers. Although there is no shortage of sample email templates, not all of them will match your standard. When there is a job opening for a certain company, be sure to reach out first by sending an email like the one below,

Subject: Interested in the [Insert Role] role at [Company Name]

Hi [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I came across [Company Name] while researching top companies in [Industry] and was impressed by the innovative solutions you provide to your clients. My writing to you is to express my interest in the [Position] role that you have advertised on [Job Board] and to submit my application for consideration.
I've [Number of years] of experience in [Industry] and have developed skills in [Key Skills]. In my current role at [Current Company], I have been responsible for [Responsibilities and Achievements], which has allowed me to develop my leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. I am excited about the opportunity to bring these skills to [Company Name] and contribute to your continued success.

Please find my resume attached for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you in an interview. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Cold Email Template To Request Informational Interview

We hope the above cold email template for job has helped you. However, you need to see other cold email templates for getting a job. For instance, if you have passed any tests for the job, or are willing to take part in the interview, then make an email like the one below requesting the interviewer,

Subject: Request for an informational interview at [Company Name]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I am [Your Name]. Currently, I am working as a [Your Position/Industry] with a strong interest in [Industry/Company Name]. I have been following your work at [Company Name] and have been impressed by the innovative solutions you have been able to provide to your clients.

I'm reaching out today to request an informational interview with you to learn more about your experiences in the industry and at [Company Name]. My particular interest is in understanding your career journey, the challenges you faced along the way, and the skills and qualities that have contributed to your success.
I understand that you are likely very busy, and I would be happy to work around your schedule for the interview. The interview would take no more than [Length of Interview], and I am committed to ensuring that your time is respected and valued.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Signature]

3. Cold Email Template To Network Professionally

Networking is powerful to get your desired job. For that, you need to be very professional, it is nothing like any ordinary relationship with your friends or family members. Even if you didn’t get a job, an email like below will initiate a strong relationship with the company and broaden the network to find another opportunity quickly,

Subject: Connecting with a fellow [Industry/Position] professional

Hello [Recipient's Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Position/Industry]. I came across your profile on [Social Media Platform/Professional Network], and I was impressed by your expertise and accomplishments in [Industry/Position].

I am reaching out to connect with you as a fellow [Industry/Position] professional. As someone who is passionate about [Industry/Position], I am always looking to expand my network and connect with others who share my interests and values.

If you have time for a quick chat, I would be delighted to set up a call at your convenience. Alternatively, we could meet in person over coffee or lunch. I am committed to ensuring that your time is respected and valued, and I will be happy to work around your schedule to find a time that works best for you.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to connecting with you soon and continuing our conversation.

[Current Position]
[Current Company]

4. Follow-Up Email Template For Job Inquiry

Cold email follow-up is essential to maintain a relationship with the company or get a job. Hence, you need to create an engaging follow-up email aside from learning how to craft a cold email template for job applications. Follow-up emails are sent if you do not get a reply to your previous email.

After the interview, if you don’t receive any feedback from the company, you can send an email like the one below. This will help you confirm whether you are actually selected for the job or not,

Subject: Following up on [Job Title] opportunity at [Company Name]

Hi [Hiring Manager's Name],

I recently applied for the [Position] role at [Company Name], and wanted to follow up with you to express my continued interest in the opportunity.

I'm particularly excited about the role because of my passion for [Industry/Position] and the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of [Company Name]. My skills and experiences make me a strong fit for the role, and I am confident that I could make a valuable contribution to your team.

I understand that you may have received many applications for the role, and I wanted to check in to see if you need any additional information from me or if there are any next steps that I should be aware of. Let me know if you have any additional information or answer any questions that you may have.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours cordially,
[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

Bonus: Cold Email Template for Internship: 15 Effective Solution

Dos and Don'ts of Cold Emailing:


  • Personalization and Customization: Tailor each email to the specific company and recipient.
  • Clear and Concise Language: Keep your email focused and easy to read.
  • Proofreading and Editing: Double-check for grammar and spelling errors before sending.
  • Including a Professional Email Signature: Add your full name, contact information, and relevant links (LinkedIn, portfolio, etc.).


  • Sending Generic or Mass Emails: Avoid sending the same email to multiple companies.
  • Overusing Jargon or Buzzwords: Keep your language simple and understandable.
  • Focusing Solely on Demands or Requests: Showcase what you can offer, not just what you want.
  • Ignoring Follow-Up and Thank-You Emails: Follow up on your cold email if you don't get an immediate response, and always send a thank-you email after interviews or conversations.

Tips for Maximizing the Impact

  • A/B Testing Subject Lines and Email Content: Experiment with different email subject lines and email structures to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Timing Your Email for Better Response Rates: Avoid sending emails during busy hours or on weekends. Midweek mornings tend to be more effective.
  • Using a Professional and Easy-to-Remember Email Address: Opt for an email address that consists of your name or a combination of your name and profession.
  • Tracking and Analyzing the Performance of Your Emails: Keep track of responses and learn from the data to improve your future cold emails.

The Advantages Of Cold Emails For Job Applications

Now that you have seen the above templates, creating and personalizing an email for your desired job will be easy. Now, let’s talk about the benefits of a cold email template for job applications. They can benefit you in many ways and push you closer to getting hired.

Here are some benefits of cold emails that a job seeker should consider,

  • Cold emails are a way to differentiate yourself from other job seekers. By taking the initiative to reach out to potential employers, you demonstrate your proactive approach and willingness to go the extra mile.
  • Cold emails can be effective to access unadvertised job openings. Many companies don't advertise all of their job openings. In that case, sending a cold email may lead to opportunities that you wouldn't have known about otherwise.
  • Whether you get the job or not, cold emails are known to build relationships between you and employers. You may be considered for future job openings if you maintain a good impression and show interest in the company.

Wrapping Up

Nothing works better than cold pitching when it comes to securing a job. Whether it is an advertised or unadvertised job, emailing helps you stay ahead of the competition. Although you can craft an effective cold email for a job by following the above steps, a tool like SendFlock will boost the process and reduce your workload.

No matter what you do, always take the initiative to reach out to potential employers by demonstrating your proactive approach and willingness to go the extra mile. Doing this will always secure a job.


What Should Be The Subject Line Of A Cold Email For A Job Application?

For job applications, the subject line of the email should be clear and precise. It will likely indicate the purpose of writing the email. Some examples of effective subject lines might include:

  • Experienced Marketing Manager Seeking Opportunity at XYZ Company
  • Recent Graduate with Strong Writing Skills Interested in X Position
  • Sales Professional with Proven Track Record Seeking X Role

Should I Attach My Resume To Cold Emails?

Of course, adding your resume to cold emails is always a wise decision. Before attaching the resume, you can tailor it according to the specific job requirements. Keep both the email and resume short and concise. Moreover, your resume should highlight the most relevant skills and experience for the job.

Are Cold Emails Effective For Unadvertised Jobs?

Yes, cold emails are unbeatable for finding jobs that haven’t been posted or advertised yet. Whether the company is small or large, they sometimes don’t advertise for some job openings. They either select one from a referral or forget to post the circular in the job listing in the rush of work. In that case, a cold email can create such job opportunities.
