Sales Closing Techniques: 17 Best Techniques In 2023

Stuart Laurie
June 24, 2023

Closing a sale is one of the most important skills for any salesperson to master. But with so many different sales closing techniques out there, it can be overwhelming to know which ones to use. In this blog post, we've compiled the 17 best sales closing techniques to help you close more deals and increase your revenue in 2023.

Closing a sale is important for your success in sales, whether you're experienced or new. However, choosing the right techniques for each situation can be challenging.

This article has the 17 best sales closing techniques that work in different situations. We'll cover all the techniques, from assumptive close to apology close, to help you close more deals and earn more money in 2023.

What Is Closing The Sale?

Closing the sale is when a salesperson convinces a customer to buy something. It's the last step in the sales process where the deal is sealed and the customer agrees to make a purchase.

Closing the sale requires effective communication, persuasion, and addressing any concerns or objections the prospects may have. It is the culmination of building rapport, understanding the customer's needs, presenting the product or service's benefits, and guiding them toward making a confident buying decision. The salesperson aims to achieve a positive outcome and successfully complete the transaction by employing various sales tools and strategies.

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What Are Sales Closing Techniques?

Sales closing techniques are strategies and approaches sales professionals use to persuade prospects to purchase. These techniques are employed at the end of the sales process to "close the deal" and secure a sale. They involve specific actions and tactics designed to overcome objections, address concerns, and convince the customer to commit to buying a product or service.

Sales closing techniques are methods used to finalize a sale. Two common techniques are the assumptive close and the trial close. In the assumptive close, the salesperson assumes the prospects are ready to buy and starts filling out the paperwork. In the trial close, the salesperson asks questions to understand the customer's interest and if they are likely to buy. These techniques are aimed at influencing the customer's decision-making process and ultimately achieving a successful sale.

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17 Best Sales Closing Techniques

Mastering the art of closing a sale is a critical skill for any successful sales professional. It's the moment that determines whether all your hard work in the sales pipeline will pay off or fall short. The 17 Best Sales Closing Techniques are given below.

1. Assumptive Close

The Assumptive Close is one of the key sales closing techniques commonly used in the B2B (business-to-business) sales funnel. It is to assume that the customer is ready to make a purchase. Instead of directly asking if the customer wants to buy, the salesperson assumes the sale and proceeds with the necessary steps to finalize the transaction.

This technique is based on the belief that by assuming the prospect's positive response, the salesperson can subtly guide them toward completing the purchase. For example, the salesperson might say, "Shall I go ahead and prepare the contract for you?" or "When would you like us to schedule the delivery?"

When a salesperson assumes the close, it means they act as if the sale is already happening. This makes the customer more likely to agree and buy the product or service. It's especially effective in business-to-business sales.

2. Trial Close

The Trial Close is a way to ask questions or make statements to see if the customer wants to buy. It helps the salesperson get feedback, address concerns, and guide the customer to decide. In business, it's helpful for understanding customer needs and making sure the solution fits.

For instance, a salesperson might ask, "How would implementing this product/service impact your team's efficiency?" or "Can you envision this solution solving the challenges you mentioned earlier?" These trial close questions prompt the customer to evaluate the benefits and envision the value of the product or service, increasing their likelihood of making a positive buying decision.

By incorporating trial closes, sales professionals can proactively engage with customers, address any remaining doubts, and ultimately guide them toward closing the sale in a B2B context.

3. Visual Close

Visual Close is a compelling sales closing technique that appeals to the customer's imagination and visualization skills. Instead of just using words, the salesperson shows things or tells stories to help customers imagine how the product or service will make their life better or fix their problem. This makes the customer feel more connected to the product and understand its value.

Imagine a person who sells vacations. They might talk about the amazing sights you'll see, the fancy places you'll stay, and the unforgettable things you'll do. By painting a captivating picture, the salesperson stimulates the customer's desire and increases the likelihood of closing the sale. The visual close uses pictures to make customers remember and decide to buy something because they can imagine how it will be.

4. Empathy Close

Empathy Close is one of the highly effective sales closing techniques that revolves around understanding and connecting with the customer's needs, concerns, and emotions. It involves actively listening to the customer, putting yourself in their shoes, and demonstrating genuine empathy towards their situation. By truly understanding their challenges and pain points, the salesperson can build a strong rapport and establish trust.

The empathy close focuses on addressing the customer's specific needs by proposing a solution that directly caters to their requirements. This technique emphasizes building a relationship based on trust and providing personalized solutions that resonate with the customer.

By showcasing empathy and understanding, the salesperson enhances the chances of successfully closing the sale while fostering a positive customer experience.

5. Hard Close

The Hard Close is the most direct and assertive among sales closing techniques that emphasizes a straightforward approach. Unlike other closing techniques that rely on building rapport and empathy, the hard close takes a more direct and persuasive stance. It involves using clear and concise language to ask for the sale without beating around the bush.

The salesperson may confidently state, "Based on our discussion, I believe this product/service is the perfect fit for you. Are you ready to make the purchase?" The hard close is ideal for customers who prefer a no-nonsense approach and appreciate directness. It aims to eliminate any ambiguity and encourages the customer to make a prompt decision.

While the hard close may seem more assertive, it can be effective in situations where the prospects are already inclined towards the purchase and require a gentle nudge to finalize the transaction.

6. Summary Close

The Summary Close is a persuasive sales closing technique that involves summarizing the key benefits and features of the product or service to reinforce the value proposition. It serves as a final opportunity to highlight the customer's needs and how the offering meets those needs. The salesperson recaps the main points discussed throughout the sales process, emphasizing the benefits that resonate most with the customer.

The salesperson reminds the customer of the important reasons to buy the product. This helps the customer understand the value and make a decision. Summarizing the key selling points is helpful, especially when the customer needs a reminder of the benefits before deciding.

By restating the important aspects, the salesperson can help the customer solidify their choice and overcome any lingering doubts. The summary close allows for a concise and impactful sales rep, increasing the chances of closing the sales successfully.

7. Analytics Close

The Analytics Close is a persuasive and popular closing technique that leverages data, metrics, and analytics to make a compelling case for the product or service being offered. This technique involves presenting factual information, statistical evidence, and quantitative data to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of the offering.

The salesperson shows the customer how the product can help them in simple and clear ways. They use numbers and facts to prove that the product is worth it. This makes the customer feel more confident and gives them proof that the product will be beneficial for them.

The analytics close is particularly effective when dealing with analytical or data-driven prospects who rely on concrete evidence to make decisions. It appeals to their logical reasoning and rationalizes the value proposition, making it more compelling and convincing.

8. Soft Close

Soft Close is a subtle and gentle sales closing technique. It focuses on building a relationship of trust and understanding with the customer. Unlike more assertive approaches, the soft close aims to guide the customer toward a buying decision without applying direct pressure.

Instead, the salesperson uses open-ended questions to encourage the customer to reflect on their needs and desires. They may ask, "How do you envision this product/service improving your daily operations?" or "What benefits do you see in implementing this solution?" By engaging the customer in a thoughtful conversation, the salesperson allows them to explore the potential value and benefits of the offering.

The soft close emphasizes active listening and empathetic communication to create a comfortable environment for the customer to express their thoughts and concerns. This approach helps build rapport and allows the customer to make a confident and informed decision. The soft close is effective when dealing with customers who appreciate a more consultative and collaborative sales process, where their input and insights are valued.

9. Scarcity Close

Scarcity Close is said to be one of the best sales closing techniques that leverages the principle of scarcity to motivate customers. It capitalizes on the fear of missing out and creates a sense of urgency by emphasizing limited-period offers.

Highlighting the exclusivity or limited quantity of the product or service, the salesperson creates a desire for immediate action. For example, they might say, "We only have a few pieces left in stock, and they're selling quickly. If you don't secure your order now, you might miss out on this amazing opportunity."

When the sales team says something is scarce, they make the customer feel like they need to act quickly or they might regret it. This works because it makes the customer think the thing being sold is valuable and they might miss out on a good deal. But it's important to be honest and fair when using this technique, and only say something is scarce if it really is or if the offer is only available for a limited time.

10. S.A.R.B Close

The "S.A.R.B" Close is a helpful way to convince customers to buy something. It has four important parts: Solution, Advantages, Recap, and Benefits. First, you present a Solution that fits their needs. Then, you talk about the Advantages they'll get from buying. Next, you Recap the important points to remind them. Finally, you emphasize the Benefits they'll enjoy if they make the purchase. Overall, the S.A.R.B Close is a flexible and effective technique for selling.

To be successful in sales, professionals should follow a thorough plan. This helps them understand what customers want, demonstrate the benefits of their product or service, and make customers feel a strong desire to buy. The S.A.R.B Close is a useful technique that can be customized for different sales presentations. It helps salespeople confidently approach the final stage of the sales process and achieve a favorable result.

11. Take-Away close

The Take-Away Close is a persuasive sales closing technique that involves temporarily removing or limiting access to a product or service to create a sense of urgency and desire in the customer. This technique plays on the fear of missing out and triggers the customer's motivation to take action.

The salesperson might say, "Sorry, but it seems like this product/service might not be right for you now." They imply that there's not much of it available, which makes the customer want it more. The goal is to make the customer value the product or service even more by temporarily not offering it, which increases the chances of making the sale.

12. Puppy Dog Close

The "Puppy Dog" Close is a good way to convince people to buy something. It works by making them feel emotionally connected to the product, similar to how someone feels attached to a puppy they adopt. The idea is that when customers try the product, they'll want to keep it, just like they would want to keep a puppy.

It involves offering a trial or demonstration period where the customer can use or experience the product with no commitment.

The "Puppy Dog" Close helps customers understand the product's value and benefits in their own environment. It makes them feel attached and familiar with it. The goal is to make customers emotionally invested during the trial and choose to keep the product afterwards. This works well for products/services that need hands-on interaction to be fully appreciated.

13. Option Close

Option Close offers a strategic approach to addressing diverse customer requirements and overcoming potential objections. It allows the salesperson to tailor the presentation by highlighting different features, pricing packages, or variations of the product or service. This not only enhances the customer's engagement but also provides them with a sense of customization and personalization.

Furthermore, Option Close helps mitigate decision paralysis by breaking down complex choices into more manageable options. It alleviates the customer's concerns and uncertainties by giving them a clear framework for comparison and evaluation. By providing a structured set of choices, the salesperson guides the customer toward a decision while ensuring that their unique preferences and priorities are addressed.

The beauty of Option Close lies in its ability to adapt to various sales situations. Whether it's choosing between different product models, service tiers, or pricing plans, the technique remains effective in helping customers navigate their decision-making journey.

14. Minor Point Close

The Minor Point Close is a sales training method that uses a small detail about a product or service to convince customers to buy it. The salesperson focuses on this specific feature and its benefits to make the customer feel a sense of urgency and importance.

This technique takes advantage of the "foot-in-the-door" principle by grabbing the customer's attention and gradually introducing other selling points. Using storytelling and personalization, the salesperson builds a connection and trust with the customer, ultimately motivating them to take action and achieve a successful sale.

15. Now or Never Close

The "Now or Never" Close is a highly effective sales tactic that strategically capitalizes on the psychological principle of urgency to propel customers into immediate action. By skillfully emphasizing the time-sensitive nature and limited availability of the offer at hand, sales professionals adeptly ignite a sense of imminent importance within the customer's mind.

This technique artfully taps into the innate fear of missing out, urging customers to swiftly make a purchasing decision to secure exclusive benefits or capitalize on a limited-time opportunity that may not be replicated in the future.

By deftly communicating the compelling value propositions and exceptional advantages of the product or service, while concurrently underscoring the pressing urgency associated with the current offer, salespeople expertly motivate customers to swiftly take action and seize the proverbial day before it's too late.

16. Question Close

The Question Close is one of the effective sales techniques that employs strategically crafted questions to guide customers toward making informed buying decisions. By skillfully posing thought-provoking inquiries, sales professionals engage customers in active dialogue, leading them to recognize the inherent value and benefits of the product or levels of service being offered.

Through open-ended questions that encourage direct answers, salespeople gain valuable insights into customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. This consultative approach fosters trust and collaboration, allowing the salesperson to tailor their definite answer and address any concerns or objections.

Ultimately, Question Close enables customers to arrive at their own conclusions and realize the compelling reasons for making a purchase, resulting in successful sales conversions.

17. Apology Close

The Apology Close is a valuable sales technique that focuses on acknowledging and addressing customer concerns with sincerity and empathy. This approach involves actively listening to the customer's feedback, objections, or complaints and genuinely expressing regret for any negative experiences they may have encountered.

By taking responsibility for any shortcomings or misunderstandings, the salesperson aims to establish trust and rapport with the customer. The Apology Close goes beyond a simple apology by offering appropriate solutions or alternatives to address the customer's concerns effectively.

This technique demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction and can help overcome objections, ultimately leading to a successful sale and the potential for a long-term customer relationship.


Sales closing techniques are essential to master if you want to succeed in sales. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced salesperson, these techniques can help you close more deals and increase your revenue. Remember, the key is to build rapport, understand your prospect's needs, and provide value. With practice and persistence, you can become a master at closing sales and achieving your goals.

Start mastering your sales closing techniques today with the help of our sales automation software. Sign up now and see the difference it can make in your sales performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Closing Skills?

Closing skills refer to the techniques and sales approach utilized by sales managers to successfully finalize a sale. These skills involve effectively addressing objections, overcoming customer hesitations, and securing a commitment to purchase. By employing persuasive communication, active listening, and strategic negotiation, salespeople can navigate the final stages of the sales process and achieve the desired outcome of closing the deal.

What Are The 4 C's Of Closing Sales?

The 4 C's of closing sales are Confidence, Communication, Conviction, and Commitment. Confidence portrays trustworthiness and expertise. Effective Communication establishes rapport and addresses customer needs. Conviction shows belief in the product or service. Commitment involves gaining the customer's commitment to make the purchase. By employing these principles, sales professionals can enhance their closing effectiveness and drive successful sales outcomes.

How Many Steps Are In The Closing Process?

The number of steps in the closing process can vary depending on the specific sales methodology or approach used. However, a typical closing process generally consists of several key steps. While the exact number may differ, it often includes steps such as establishing rapport, identifying customer needs, presenting a solution, addressing objections, negotiating terms, and ultimately obtaining a commitment or closing the sale. These steps are designed to guide the salesperson and customer through a structured process toward reaching a mutual business relationship.

What Is The Sales Cycle?

The sales cycle refers to the series of stages or steps that a customer goes through from the initial contact with a salesperson to the final purchase. It encompasses activities such as prospecting, qualifying leads, making presentations, handling objections, and closing the sale. The sales cycle varies in length and complexity depending on the industry and product/service being sold, and understanding it helps sales professionals effectively manage and guide customers through each stage to achieve successful sales outcomes.
